I will appoint a place, i.e. I will make room for them; whereas hitherto they have been much constrained and distressed by their enemies, Or, I will establish (for so that verb sometimes signifies) a place for them, i.e. I will establish them in their place or land. Some learned men render the verse thus, and the Hebrew words will bear it: And I have appointed (or assigned, or given) a place for my people Israel, (to wit, the land of Canaan,) and have planted them in it, that they may dwell in their own place, and be no more driven to and fro; or rather, and they shall dwell in their own place, &c.; i.e. as I did long ago appoint it to them, and afterwards planted them, or put them into actual possession; so now they shall continue or dwell in it, in spite of all their enemies. For my people Israel. Among the favours which God had vouchsafed, and would vouchsafe to David, he reckons his blessings to the people of Israel, because they were great blessings to David; partly because the strength and happiness of a king consists in great part in the multitude and happiness of his people; and partly because David was a man of a pious and public spirit, and therefore no less affected with Israel's felicity than with his own. In a place of their own, i.e. in their own land, not in strange lands, nor mixed with other people. As beforetime; either, first, As in the land of Egypt; and so he goes downward to the judges. Or, secondly, As in Saul's time; and so he ascends to the judges.

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