Nor as they did under the judges, neither so oft nor so long. But all this is to be understood with a condition, except they should notoriously forsake God, or rebel against him; which being so oft declared by God in other places it was needless to mention it here. Or this may relate to the latter ages of the world, when the people of Israel shall be converted to Christ, and recalled out of captivity, and planted in their own place; when they shall enjoy a far greater degree of tranquillity than ever they did before. And this agrees best with the future tense, I will appoint and will plant them, & c.; otherwise the work was already done, God had already appointed this land for them, and actually planted them in it. And have caused thee to rest from all thine enemies, i. e. and until this time in which I have given thee rest. But these words, though according to our translation they be enclosed in the same parenthesis with the foregoing clauses, may seem to be better put without it, and to be taken by themselves. For the foregoing words in this verse, and in 2 Samuel 7:10, do all concern the people of Israel; but these words seem to concern David alone, to whom the speech returns after a short digression concerning the people of Israel. And they may be rendered either thus, and I have caused thee to rest, &c., or, and I will cause thee to rest, &c., to wit, more fully and perfectly than vet thou dost. He will make thee an house; for thy good intentions to make him an house, he will make thee an house, to wit, a sure house, as is expressed, 1 Kings 11:38, i. e. he will increase and uphold thy posterity, and continue thy kingdom in thy family.

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