ACTS CHAPTER 10 ACTS 10:1 Cornelius, a devout centurion, being
commanded by an angel, sendeth for Peter, ACTS 10:9 who in the mean
time is prepared by a heavenly vision, ACTS 10:17 and, receiving a
command from the Spirit, goeth with the messengers to Caesarea. ACTS
10:25 Cornelius receiveth him wit... [ Continue Reading ]
A DEVOUT MAN; this Cornelius was a proselyte of the gate, or such as
observed the seven precepts of Noah, and lived without giving any
offence to the Jews. WITH ALL HIS HOUSE; it was a very good sign that
he feared God, in that he engaged all his house to do the like, at
least outwardly, which was a... [ Continue Reading ]
IN A VISION; not in a dream or rapture, but sensibly and plainly.
ABOUT THE NINTH HOUR; their ninth hour was with us about three o clock
in the afternoon; being the ordinary time for the evening sacrifice;
and, by consequence, their time of prayer, ACTS 3:1. And this devout
man doth not seek God's f... [ Continue Reading ]
HE WAS AFRAID; the angel appeared in so great splendour: all
admiration hath some fear with it. AND SAID, "WHAT IS IT, LORD?" This
is equivalent to, "What wilt thou have me to do?" and shows that
Cornelius was prepared to hear the message. THY PRAYERS AND THINE
ALMS; prayer and alms are joined toget... [ Continue Reading ]
JOPPA, a town that was memorable for Jonah's taking ship there, when
he would flee from God, and decline his message, 1 THESSALONIANS 1:3.
The angel could have declared the gospel, and instructed Cornelius;
but he sends him to Peter, God being willing to honour the means of
his own institution.... [ Continue Reading ]
These particulars, when found true by Cornelius, did very much
advantage him towards his believing what Peter in the name of the Lord
did tell him.... [ Continue Reading ]
TWO OF HIS HOUSEHOLD SERVANTS; these servants doubtless Cornelius had
instructed, as appears ACTS 10:2, and God blesses him with faithful
and successful service from them. A DEVOUT SOLDIER; no condition, or
temptation, too hard for the grace of God to overcome; both centurion
and soldier are willing... [ Continue Reading ]
Thus on Cornelius's side all things are disposed towards his receiving
of the gospel; and the same providence, at the same time, disposes all
things on Peter's part towards his coming to publish it: for,._ \see
ACTS 10:9\_... [ Continue Reading ]
These houses were flat on the tops, and therefore they were commanded
to make battlements for them, DEUTERONOMY 22:8. PETER WENT UP UPON THE
HOUSETOP TO PRAY, that he might from thence view the temple, which was
a type of Christ, through whom only we and our prayers can be
acceptable unto God; hence... [ Continue Reading ]
HE BECAME VERY HUNGRY; he might be more than ordinarily hungry, to fit
or suit the vision, which is hereafter mentioned. HE FELL INTO A
TRANCE: the most excellent way of God's manifesting himself unto man,
is by a trance; (and they reckon seven ways, in which God makes
himself known unto man); but w... [ Continue Reading ]
AND SAW HEAVEN; either visibly to his corporal eyes, as to St. Stephen
s; or rather mentally, more suitably to the rapture mentioned in the
former verse. OPENED; which might signify, that heaven, that was shut
to the children of men by the first Adam, was now by Christ, the
Second Adam, opened to al... [ Continue Reading ]
As well unclean beasts, such as were forbidden by the law, as clean,
such as by the law might be eaten.... [ Continue Reading ]
Of that thou seest, without any exception, whether they be clean, or
(formerly) unclean creatures. The moral of which command is, that he
might now converse with Jews and Gentiles indifferently, and preach
unto these also the word of life.... [ Continue Reading ]
These words may signify one and the same thing, and the latter explain
the former; showing that those things are said to be common, which the
law, by forbidding them, had made unclean. Others make some
difference; and by things common, understand all sorts of creatures,
which were forbidden to the J... [ Continue Reading ]
Do not make in thy esteem, or practice, as COMMON, that is, polluted.
The Jews did imagine, that by unclean creatures were meant the
Gentiles, as by clean creatures they would have themselves to be
understood; howsoever, they opposed common unto holy; indeed a holy
man is (as they called him) a sing... [ Continue Reading ]
Whereby this great mystery of the conversion of the Gentiles, and
taking them into the church, might be the more confirmed, and fixed in
St. Peter's mind.... [ Continue Reading ]
DOUBTED IN HIMSELF; recollecting himself; for the vision had so
affected him, that it had put him into a kind of ecstasy, out of which
when he came to himself, BEHOLD, THE MEN; the two servants and the
soldier which Cornelius had sent.... [ Continue Reading ]
Being strangers, they address themselves to such of the house as came
to the door.... [ Continue Reading ]
THOUGHT ON THE VISION; set himself to meditate upon that he had seen
and heard. THE SPIRIT SAID UNTO HIM; the Holy Spirit informs him
further. Thus whosoever meditares carefully upon what he hears from
God's word, God will never leave him without sufficient instruction.... [ Continue Reading ]
ARISE THEREFORE; immediately put thyself upon the journey. DOUBTING
NOTHING; spend no time in disputing within thyself, because that they,
unto whom thou art sent, are not Jews.... [ Continue Reading ]
Peter being in no small consternation, and not perfectly knowing
whither all this tended, makes the more exact inquiry.... [ Continue Reading ]
That they might speed in their message, they labour to prevent all
prejudice Peter might have against Cornelius, who was a Gentile by
title; telling him:
1. That he was A JUST MAN, as is said of Joseph, MATTHEW 1:19.
2. That he worshipped the true God the same with the Jews, and not the
false gods... [ Continue Reading ]
AND ON THE MORROW PETER WENT AWAY WITH THEM; he delays not to obey the
heavenly vision; but as Abraham took his journey the very next morning
after that he had received the command, GENESIS 22:3, so did Peter
here, and _bis dat qui cito dat, _ he doubles his obedience that obeys
speedily and cheerfu... [ Continue Reading ]
Joppa was about fifteen leagues from Caesarea, so that the next day
after they set out they might easily come from Joppa thither. HIS
KINSMEN; his relations. AND NEAR FRIENDS; and such as he had the
greatest love and kindness for; he thought that he could not express
it better, than by giving them a... [ Continue Reading ]
AS PETER WAS COMING IN, CORNELIUS MET HIM; into Cornelius's house, for
he hastened to meet with him. WORSHIPPED HIM; Cornelius worshipped
with the most humble civil worship; but he could not think him to be
God, and therefore he did give him no Divine worship, he having
forsaken the idolatry of the... [ Continue Reading ]
It is certain that Peter did think this worship Cornelius gave him to
have exceeded; and here he blames him for it, telling him, he was but
a man like unto him; and he needed not give any further reason of his
reproof, for man must adore, but by no means may be adored; no, nor
take too much honour u... [ Continue Reading ]
AS HE TALKED WITH HIM; they went talking together into the house,
probably of the goodness of God, that they should be directed so
happily unto one another; for they could not but see and acknowledge
God in it.... [ Continue Reading ]
God himself did erect a partition wall betwixt his people and other
nations, Jews and Gentiles; hence by God's own command the Jews might
not have any familiar converse with the Gentiles, especially they
might not marry with them. The Jews themselves had made this partition
wall much larger, and the... [ Continue Reading ]
ME? Peter did in a great measure know the business he came about,
partly by the vision and its interpretation, partly by what he might
have heard from them that Cornelius sent for him, unto whom Cornelius
had declared the whole m... [ Continue Reading ]
to declare by this how long he had fasted; but he tells him when he,
being fasting, saw the vision, which was four days before, at the same
time of the day. THE NINTH HOUR, which was a time of prayer, it being
the time of offerin... [ Continue Reading ]
ALMS; of which see in ACTS 10:4. IN THE SIGHT OF GOD; unto which, not
only the outward gift, but the inward affection, is visible; and this
is peculiarly in the sight of God, the other may be seen also by men.... [ Continue Reading ]
The substance of this verse is in ACTS 10:5,6 which we read before.
Cornelius might say this to excuse his sending for Peter, being a
stranger to him; as also to encourage Peter to speak in such a matter
as God had appeared in.... [ Continue Reading ]
IMMEDIATELY THEREFORE I SENT TO THEE; as a hungry soul delays not to
send for food, as soon as he knows where to have it. THOU HAST WELL
DONE THAT THOU ART COME; which does not only approve of St. Peter's
coming, but thank him for it. PRESENT BEFORE GOD; we will set
ourselves to attend to thy words,... [ Continue Reading ]
OPENED HIS MOUTH; an expression used (as formerly) in matters of great
moment, as MATTHEW 5:2. GOD IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS; God does not
accept of one because he is a Jew, and respect another because he is a
Gentile; though St. Paul, being prejudiced by his education, had been
carried along with... [ Continue Reading ]
IN EVERY NATION; even though Romans or Italians, of which nation
Cornelius was, and might probably be worse thought of by the Jews,
because they supposed themselves to have been hardly used by them.
FEARETH HIM, AND WORKETH RIGHTEOUSNESS; these two particulars include
the observation of both tables... [ Continue Reading ]
THE WORD; the word of reconciliation between God and man, not only
between God and the Jews, but between him and the Gentiles also, he
had SENT UNTO ISRAEL by his prophets formerly. God is said to create
_peace to him that is afar off, _ the Gentile, as well as _to him that
is near, _ the Jew, ISAIA... [ Continue Reading ]
They had heard of the doctrine of the gospel by common fame and
report, which could not but spread abroad; all might know that Christ
and his apostles did preach, though these might be ignorant of the
particular doctrines which they taught, and which Peter was now sent
to instruct them in: or by _th... [ Continue Reading ]
GOD ANOINTED JESUS: it was usual to anoint their kings, priests, and
prophets, unto all which offices Christ was anointed by his Father;
hence called Christ, as in the Old Testament the Messiah. OF NAZARETH:
the apostle is not ashamed of this name, though given to our Saviour
by way of conte... [ Continue Reading ]
WE ARE WITNESSES; the apostles, whom Christ had chosen to go in and
out with him, and to be eye and ear witnesses of all that was done by
him, or against him. WHOM THEY SLEW: their killing of our Saviour is
the rather here spoken of, to show how rightfully the Jews were now to
be forsaken, and that... [ Continue Reading ]
Lest these Gentiles be deterred from believing in Christ, and take
offence at his cross, St. Peter preached unto them the resurrection,
which suddenly and powerfully followed. And this he tells them was
unquestionable, as appeared by all the ways that any thing can be
proved by; Christ was seen, and... [ Continue Reading ]
NOT TO ALL THE PEOPLE: Christ after his resurrection appeared not to
the wicked Jews, for being to suffer no more, his enemies were not
vouchsafed a sight of him; and thus he did not manifest himself unto
the world, 1 THESSALONIANS 14:22. BUT UNTO WITNESSES; these witnesses
were the apostles, who we... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Saviour gave this charge to his apostles before his ascension,
MATTHEW 28:19 MARK 16:15 LUKE 24:47; and foretold that they should
execute this his charge, ACTS 1:8. ORDAINED OF GOD TO BE THE JUDGE:
that God hath ordained to judge the world by Jesus Christ, Scripture
abundantly testifies, 1 THESS... [ Continue Reading ]
This our Saviour had told his apostles, which St. Peter here preaches
to his auditors. It was included in the very first promise recorded by
Moses, GENESIS 3:15, The seed of the woman shall break the serpent's
head; and so continued through all ages of the church, to be manifest
in such degrees as i... [ Continue Reading ]
WHILE PETER YET SPAKE THESE WORDS, that God might miraculously show
his approbation of what Peter had said, and to assure Peter of the
real conversion of these Gentiles, which all the Jews did make such a
WORD; such fiery tongues... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY OF THE CIRCUMCISION; such as were not only themselves
circumcised, but born of circumcised parents, who are thus called,
GALATIANS 2:12. These, not minding, or understanding, the many
predictions of the calling of the Gentiles, thought that Christ was
only promised unto the Jews; and were amaze... [ Continue Reading ]
WITH TONGUES; with variety of languages, or strange tongues, as in the
day of Pentecost, ACTS 2:6. ANSWERED; an ordinary Hebraism for
speaking, though the first part of any discourse. And Peter, knowing
that these miraculous fiery tongues did show that these men did
partake of the same Spirit from w... [ Continue Reading ]
This question, as ACTS 8:36, is without question, and denies that any
can forbid water, that is, in order to baptize such as these. As if
the apostle had argued thus: They that have the grace signified or
promised, have a right unto the seal of the promise: but these
Gentiles have the grace signifie... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THE NAME OF THE LORD; that is, in the name of our Saviour. But this
does not imply, but that they were baptized according to our Saviour's
prescription, MATTHEW 28:19: but the Jews by their baptism were become
the Lord s, and had given up their names to Jesus Christ; under which
title, _the Lord,... [ Continue Reading ]