In the name of the Lord; that is, in the name of our Saviour. But this does not imply, but that they were baptized according to our Saviour's prescription, Matthew 28:19: but the Jews by their baptism were become the Lord s, and had given up their names to Jesus Christ; under which title, the Lord, not only our Saviour, but the Father who anointed him, and the Spirit by whom he was anointed, is to be understood. Then prayed they; Cornelius and the rest of his friends, which he caused to be present. At their entreaty, Peter, and others that came with him, \as Acts 11:12\ tarried there, that they might further instruct, confirm, and comfort them; (as the best have ever need to learn, and to grow in grace and knowledge); and by this Peter showed that he looked upon himself and others as not bound to observe those precepts, (of the wise men, as they called them), forbidding them all familiarity with the uncircumcised.

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