ACTS CHAPTER 20 Acts 20:1 Paul goeth to Macedonia, and having passed over divers countries cometh to Troas. Acts 20:7 Where, as he preached long, Eutychus falleth out of a window, and is taken up dead: Paul restoreth him to life. Acts 20:13 He continueth his travels. Acts 20:17 At Miletus he calleth to him the elders of the church of Ephesus, and taketh a solemn and affectionate leave of them, exhorting them to look well to their charge, and commending them to God's grace. Acts 20:36 He prayeth with them and departeth. Embraced them;\\ took his farewell of them, and, as the manner of those countries was in meeting and parting with friends, he kissed them: as Luke 7:45, and far more anciently, Genesis 31:55. And this was the true ground of that kiss of peace, or the holy kiss, recommended Romans 16:16 1 Corinthians 16:20 2 Corinthians 13:12, and elsewhere, which was only a civility then in use. Departed for to go into Macedonia; yielding to the present fury of Demetrius; not so much for his own safety, as for the good of the church, that it might not be further persecuted for his sake; and that elsewhere it might by his ministry be enlarged and built up.

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