I have showed you all things; as in Acts 20:27. So labouring; with more than ordinary pains and constancy. To support; that they do not fall; or, being fallen, that they may rise again. The word imports the stretching out of the hand to retain any that are going away, or to hold up any that are falling. The weak; in knowledge, faith, or any other grace. The words of the Lord Jesus; Paul might have these words by the relation of others who heard them spoken by our Savionr; for all things that he said or did could not be written, 1 Thessalonians 20:30. It is more blessed to give than to receive; not so much in that giving speaks abundance and affluence, but as it shows our charity and goodness, in which we resemble and imitate God. The substance of these words which are attributed to our Saviour, though not the terms, may be found in divers places, as Luke 6:38, Luke 16:9.

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