The first day of the week; this was the day which the Lord had made, it being called from his resurrection, which was on this day, the Lord's day, Revelation 1:10. On this day the disciples met, and Christ honoured them with his presence, 1 Thessalonians 20:19,26. And when he was ascended, this day was appointed for the Christians to meet in, 1 Corinthians 16:2; which must necessarily infer the abrogation of the Saturday, or Jewish sabbath: for it being part of the command, Six days shalt thou labour, they could not in ordinary have rested the last day of the week and the first day too, without sinning against the law of God. To break bread; to take a meal in common together, which they called agapae, or the love feast, so great a harmony and natural love was manifested in it; which was concluded with celebrating the Lord's supper; and this is chiefly, if not only, intended in this place. The love feasts being abused, were soon laid aside; but the other must continue until the Lord come, 1 Corinthians 11:26. Continued his speech until midnight; a long sermon indeed, at least it would be now thought so; and yet we must have the same spirit, or we are not members of that catholic church.

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