After long abstinence: these did not abstain from their meals for any want; for they had sufficient provision, as appears, Acts 27:38; nor because the storm or tempest tossing the ship, and them in it, took away their stomach, for the sea men, at least, were not so long troubled with that sea sickness: but:

1. Their continually being employed, working for their lives. Or:

2. Their fear of perisiting, and sense of a future state, might take up their thoughts so effectually, that they minded nothing else. Hence it hath been said, that whosoever cannot pray should go to sea, and there he would learn it; for in their affliction they will seek me early, saith the Lord, Hosea 5:15. Ye should have hearkened unto me; being Paul had foretold this that now befell them, as Acts 27:10, they were bound to have believed him; which they not doing, are now deservedly punished. Have gained this harm and loss; harm and loss, misery and calamity, is all that disobedience unto God gets at last, whatsoever it may promise us to tempt us with.

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