ACTS CHAPTER 28 ACTS 28:1,2 Paul and his company, after their
shipwreck, are kindly entertained by the barbarians of Melita. ACTS
28:3 A viper fastening on his hand without hurting him, the people,
who at first thought ill of him, believed him a god. ACTS 28:7 He
healeth the father of Publius, and o... [ Continue Reading ]
THE BARBAROUS PEOPLE; so the Grecians and Romans called all other
nations that did not receive their customs, nor speak their language,
1 CORINTHIANS 14:11; and to this day the African coast over against
this island is called Barbary. FOR THEY KINDLED A FIRE, &C.: how far
is this humanity of heathen... [ Continue Reading ]
A VIPER; a creature so venomous, that not only its biting, but (some
say) its breath, is deadly: this, upon the warmth of the fire, being
benumbed with the cold, and now refreshed, began to stir itself.
FASTENED ON HIS HAND; as it used to do when it biteth. God by this
miracle prepares this people n... [ Continue Reading ]
VENOMOUS; so the viper is called by that appellative word, from whence
also comes _theriaca, _ or treacle, which is made out of flesh, or
trochusses, of vipers. And if men can make an antidote out of poison,
much more can God bring good out of evil. THIS MAN IS A MURDERER; it
is a strange sense that... [ Continue Reading ]
As Daniel in the lion's den. God is the God of nature, and the most
natural properties are restrained when he pleases, and cannot be
exerted without his concurrence. Thus the promises our blessed Saviour
made, in MARK 16:18 LUKE 10:19, were fulfilled according to the
letter.... [ Continue Reading ]
SHOULD HAVE SWOLLEN; the word signifies primarily to be burnt, and
then by burning or scalding to swell, which is accounted the ordinary
symptom of the biting of a viper; to swell or blister, as if the part
was burnt with fire. OR FALLEN DOWN DEAD SUDDENLY; in those places
where there is much more h... [ Continue Reading ]
This PUBLIUS is thought to have been governor for the Romans in this
island. Howsoever, he was a man of great account and estate, that
could provide for so many as were in the ship, and receive them into
his own house.... [ Continue Reading ]
A BLOODY FLUX; a painful and dangerous disease; the torment in the
bowels frequently causing a fever. AND PRAYED; Paul could do nothing
of himself, and therefore begs of God the recovery of Publius's
father. It is God only that kills and makes alive, 1 SAMUEL 2:6. LAID
HIS HANDS ON HIM; this imposit... [ Continue Reading ]
The fame of this cure, wrought so suddenly, perfectly, and only with
the laying on of Paul's hands, could not but spread far and near;
especially being done upon the governor: and men are usually very
careful about their bodily health and welfare. So that their diseases
were blessed occasions to bri... [ Continue Reading ]
They who were cured, rewarded or presented the apostle and his company
very liberally. And this was the effect of that inward respect and
real esteem they had for them; and was a fruit of their faith.... [ Continue Reading ]
These THREE MONTHS that St. Paul staid at Malta, he spent like a true
labourer in the Lord's vineyard, planting a church that was famous for
its stedfastness in the truth. HAD WINTERED IN THE ISLE; it was their
wont to lay up their ships all the winter season; as we may see, ACTS
27:12. And to this... [ Continue Reading ]
SYRACUSE; the chief city of Sicily, famous for Archimedes. WE TARRIED
THERE THREE DAYS; probably to sell some of their wares, the ship
making a trading voyage.... [ Continue Reading ]
RHEGIUM; a city in the kingdom of Naples, over against Messina in
Sicily; so called because that Sicily was believed to be thereabouts
rent and plucked from the main land, unto which they held it to have
been formerly joined, until by a tempest it became an island. PUTEOLI
is a sea town not far from... [ Continue Reading ]
WHERE WE FOUND BRETHREN; Christians, as some think, for so they
mutually called one another. But it is not so probable that any should
profess Christianity so near unto Rome, and that it should be no more
known or believed in Rome. Others therefore think that the apostle
means Jews, whom he calls _b... [ Continue Reading ]
APPII FORUM; a place about one and fifty miles, or seventeen leagues,
from Rome; so called from Appius Claudius, who made a way from Rome
thither, called from his name: The Appian Way; and had his statue
there set up; which is the reason why it is called thus: for the
Romans did call those places _f... [ Continue Reading ]
THE CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD; the _praefectus praetorio, _ being
commander-in-chief over the soldiers, and unto whom the prisoners of
state were usually committed. PAUL WAS SUFFERED TO DWELL BY HIMSELF;
God by this means giving Paul an opportunity to go abroad at his
pleasure; though chained, as ACTS 28... [ Continue Reading ]
out of an extraordinary love which he had for that people, but also
because the apostles were commanded _to go rather to the lost sheep of
the house of Israel,_ MATTHEW 10:5,6. The whole economy of the gospel
is a doing good for evi... [ Continue Reading ]
EXAMINED ME; as Festus did in the presence of king Agrippa, ACTS
25:26, who, they were both unbelievers, yet justified Paul,
acknowledging that he had not committed any thing worthy of bonds,
much less of death. Thus our Saviour was declared innocent by Pilate,
LUKE 23:4,14.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE JEWS SPAKE AGAINST IT; the Jews used all their oratory and
interest against Paul, both before Felix and Festus. And had it been
in Festus's power, (which after Paul's appeal it was not), he would
have sacrificed Paul to the malice of the Jews; and by that means got
their favour, whom he had so i... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THE HOPE OF ISRAEL: see ACTS 23:6, ACTS 24:21. This _hope_ is
1. Of the resurrection, as in the forementioned places; and ACTS
26:6,7; or:
2. The Messiah; Christ is the hope of Israel, so they pretended for
many ages, and him now Paul preached. I AM BOUND WITH THIS CHAIN; for
though he... [ Continue Reading ]
The high priest, and the rest of them that had persecuted Paul, did
either despond of their cause, when it should come to be impartially
heard; or were supine and negligent in a matter which they pretended
so highly to concern their religion; but self-ends, their present ease
and reputation, were th... [ Continue Reading ]
SECT, or heresy, for so they called the Christian religion, ACTS
24:5,14. EVERY WHERE IT IS SPOKEN AGAINST; of all conditions of men,
governors and people, and in all places; as, LUKE 2:34, Christ is said
to be _a sign that shall be spoken against._... [ Continue Reading ]
HIS LODGING; the house which he had hired, as ACTS 28:16, and ACTS
the Scriptures, and by them proved our Saviour to be the Messiah; and
that the kingdom of the Messiah, which God had promised, and Moses and
the prophets had foreto... [ Continue Reading ]
Thus there are different soils into which the word is cast, as appears
in the parable of the sower, MATTHEW 13:19,20, &c. Thus Paul found by
experience what he says, 2 THESSALONIANS 3:2, that _all men have not
faith; _ and _the word preached_ doth _not profit, _ unless it be
_mixed with faith in the... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY AGREED NOT AMONG THEMSELVES; thus Christ came _to send fire on
the earth,_ LUKE 12:49: not that the gospel does this in itself; for
it is _the gospel of peace,_ EPHESIANS 6:15, not only betwixt God and
man, but betwixt man and man; and if its precepts were observed, love,
meekness, and goodness... [ Continue Reading ]
As their fathers did hear the many prophecies concerning the miseries
and calamities which for their sins were to come upon them, as also
concerning the Messiah which was to come, but did not believe them or
entertain them as they ought; so these their children (through the
righteous judgment of God... [ Continue Reading ]
Though God did forsake this people, (being first forsaken of them),
and withdraw his gratuitous assistance from them, yet it is all justly
charged upon them, they having by their sins said unto God, _Depart
from us, for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways, _ JOB 21:14.
THEIR EYES HAVE THEY CLOSE... [ Continue Reading ]
THE SALVATION OF GOD; so the gospel is called; because:
1. The finding of it out.
2. The preparing of it by sending his Son.
3. The revealing of it, and;
4. Its efficacy, is only of God. IS SENT UNTO THE GENTILES; as by our
Saviour's commission, MATTHEW 28:19, and LUKE 24:47, does appear. And
Pa... [ Continue Reading ]
Some accusing of Paul, others vindicating of him; some believing, as
ACTS 28:24, others not believing; our Saviour, and his gospel too,
being for the rising and falling of many.... [ Continue Reading ]
Of what nation or quality soever they were, Paul preached salvation to
them upon the gospel condition of faith and holiness; and in that
imitated God and our Saviour, who refuse none that thus come unto him.
And though Paul might have had greater security from trouble by the
Jews if he would have de... [ Continue Reading ]
THE KINGDOM OF GOD; the gospel is so called; as also Paul preached
that kingdom of God which is to come at the end of the world, which
falls in with the subject he was so often upon, concerning the
resurrection; which if men did but believe effectually, all the other
ends of preaching would... [ Continue Reading ]