Repent ye therefore, and be converted; this is the true end, use, and application, both of the preceding miracle and sermon, to persuade unto repentance and conversion. That your sins may be blotted out; alluding to the manner of writing upon tables in those times, and not much disagreeing from what is in use amongst us, who write upon paper or parchment. There is a book of remembrance, and a record of all our sins kept: The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond, Jeremiah 17:1. When sin is pardoned, it is said to be blotted out, Isaiah 44:22; and not to be found any more, though it should be sought for, Jeremiah 50:20. Times of refreshing; or times of cooling; as afflictions are called a fiery trial, so deliverance from them is a season of refreshing or cooling. Such a time of refreshing shall come in this life, commonly from many troubles; but when this life ends, a deliverance comes from all afflictions to them that truly fear and serve God. Shall come from the presence of the Lord; God's presence is the cause and ground from whence all the refreshment his people take do arise; heaven would not be heaven (a place of bliss and glory) without it: and as God is the object of our beatitude, so he is the giver of all comfort, and his Spirit is the only Comforter.

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