Acts 5:1

ACTS CHAPTER 5 ACTS 5:1 Ananias and Sapphira, profanely tempting the Holy Ghost with a lie, at Peter's rebuke fall down dead, ACTS 5:12 The apostles work many miracles, to the great increase of the faith. ACTS 5:17 They are all imprisoned, but released by an angel, and sent to preach openly in the t... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:2

KEPT BACK PART OF THE PRICE, when they had vowed the whole to God and his service, which made it a robbing of God, whatsoever pretence they might possibly have of detaining some part for their own necessities in old age, or time of sickness; arguing a great distrust in that God, whom, when they had... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:3

BUT PETER SAID; Peter knew this deceit by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost; it being most probably not otherwise likely ever to be discovered. SATAN FILLED THINE HEART: as when the heart is filled with hot spirits it is daring and bold, so when Satan filled their heart these wretches venture upon d... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:4

WHILES IT REMAINED, WAS IT NOT THINE OWN? A sufficient argument that there was no command (even then) to necessitate them to part with their estates, but only what the present and eminent necessity of the church did persuade them voluntarily unto. The doubling of this expostulation makes the convict... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:5

FELL DOWN AND GAVE UP THE GHOST; expired and died. Some instances of God's extraordinary judgments upon sinners were in the beginning of the Jewish church; as upon the man that gathered sticks on the sabbath day, NUMBERS 15:35, and upon Nadab and Abihu, LEVITICUS 10:1,2; and so here in the beginning... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:6

THE YOUNG MEN; such as were present at that time, and fittest for that employ. WOUND HIM UP; according as they were wont to do to such as they intended to prepare the sepulture. Read what was done to the body of our Saviour, MARK 15:46.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:7

ABOUT THE SPACE OF THREE HOURS AFTER; in his circumstance is expressed to confirm the truth of this history. NOT KNOWING WHAT WAS DONE; not suspecting any such thing, she was the less inquisitive; and such a consternation and dread was upon all that were there, that they durst not tell her, lest the... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:8

PETER ANSWERED; an ordinary Hebraism, by which one that speaketh first is said an answer, if it be tending towards my discourse especially. FOR SO MUCH; the certain price is not mentioned, as not being necessary to the intent of the Holy Ghost in this narrative; but be it more or less, it was the sa... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:9

TO TEMPT THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD; this expression, of tempting God, or the Spirit of God, is not used amongst profane writers; and this sin is not (at least to such a degree) committed amongst pagans and heathens, and is to be dreaded by all that profess the gospel. As often as men sin against their... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:11

Thus upon the smiting of so many men in and about Bethshemesh, 1 SAMUEL 6:20, they wisely demand, WHO IS ABLE TO STAND BEFORE THIS HOLY LORD GOD? And upon the slaying of Uzzah, 2 SAMUEL 6:9, _David was afraid of the Lord. Discite justitiam moniti. As many as heard these things, _ out of the pale of... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:12

BY THE HANDS OF THE APOSTLES; by the apostles ministry: though they were holy and excellent men, they were but instruments; the power they acted by was God s; which also they had prayed for and acknowledged, ACTS 4:30. AMONG THE PEOPLE; generally among the meaner sort, according to that question, _H... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:13

OF THE REST; such who were not of the common sort of people, and here seem to be distinguished from them: or, _of the rest_ (more largely) who had not joined themselves to the church, being amazed at this judgment on these two hypocrites, durst not make a formal show of religion, unless they had a t... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:14

This explains the former verse, and helps us against mistaking it, for this wonderful judgment was so far from being a hinderance to the men of the gospel, that it is turned to the furtherance of it; for though great men, and such as were insincere, were terrified from owning Christ and his doctrine... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:15

INTO THE STREETS; into every street generally taken, it being a common practice where they came, and not in one street only. These weak and unlikely means did more show the power to be of God, and was the greater confirmation to the truth of the gospel; and this was fulfilled what our Saviour had pr... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:16

The variety and grievousness of these evils did but the more commend the power which was present with the apostles. THEY WERE HEALED EVERY ONE; an evidence that these cures were not wrought by second causes, for the best medicines do not always succeed; as also, in that they were perfectly and sudde... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:17

THEN THE HIGH PRIEST ROSE UP; moved at the report of these things, went out of the council to observe what was done. AND ALL THEY THAT WERE WITH HIM; there were both Pharisees and Sadducees in their sanhedrim or great council, as appears ACTS 23:6; but the high priest and a great part were at this t... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:19

God useth the ministry of angels, though he might otherwise do what pleaseth him. An angel rolled away the stone from the door of the sepulchre. Angels ministered to Christ, MATTHEW 4:11; and are _all ministering spirits, sent forth to master for them who shall be heirs of salvation,_ HEBREWS 1:14;... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:20

STAND; the word implies courage and stedfastness of mind, as well as such a posture of the body. ALL THE WORDS; without preferring some acceptable truths before others more ungrateful, if necessary towards their salvation. Christ for a time did limit them; they might not tell any _that he was Jesus... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:21

WHEN THEY HEARD THAT; having received a command from God, they resolved to obey him rather than man. EARLY IN THE MORNING; taking the first opportunity, though they could not but be sensible of the danger they ran into. THE COUNCIL; the sanhedrim, or great council. THE SENATE; the judges of their in... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:22

These men, thus sent to hinder the spreading of the gospel, could not but be a means of confirming it, when they saw, and declared what they found; so easily can God make use of what is intended against his truth and people unto the advantage of either.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:23

All means imaginable were used to secure their prisoners; but when God will deliver, what can keep them? When God will work, who can hinder? JOB 11:10. It is strange, that so great evidence of the innocence of the apostles, and truth of their doctrine, should be ineffectual; but prejudice is insuper... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:24

THE CAPTAIN OF THE TEMPLE; the commander over the soldiers who were set to guard the temple, either to secure the treasure there, or to be in a readiness to suppress any tumult thereabouts; Pilate speaks of this, MATTHEW 27:65. THE CHIEF PRIESTS; the heads of the families, or chief of the courses of... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:25

So true is that in ISAIAH 8:10, TAKE COUNSEL TOGETHER, AND IT SHALL COME TO NOUGHT. But, _The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever,_ PSALMS 33:11.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:26

BROUGHT THEM WITHOUT VIOLENCE; they might, peradventure, think it needless or impossible to bind _them_ against their wills, who had opened the prison, and so miraculously came out: however, another more certain reason is given of it; THEY FEARED THE PEOPLE; they feared men more than God, who had do... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:27

When they are about to do the greatest injuries, they pretend to right; and will not judge them, without giving them leave to answer for themselves.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:28

DID NOT WE STRAITLY COMMAND YOU? As indeed they had, ACTS 4:18; hence they aggravated the apostles crime, as done out of malice, and not out of ignorance. THIS NAME, and THIS MAN'S BLOOD, are odious reflections, full of contumely against our blessed Saviour, as if he had not been worthy the naming b... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:29

This they all agree in, and it is the common sense of all considering men; as Socrates in his apology told the Athenians, I embrace and love you, O Athenians, and yet I will obey God rather than you. This the apostles had formerly asserted, ACTS 4:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:30

THE GOD OF OUR FATHERS; this is the rather mentioned by the apostle, that they might not think our Saviour, or they his ministers, preached any other God unto them, but him whom they had worshipped from their forefathers. HANGED ON A TREE; a tree, or wood, which is rather mentioned than a cross, tha... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:31

HIM HATH GOD EXALTED WITH HIS RIGHT HAND: see ACTS 2:33. A Prince; to conquer and subdue all his enemies, to defend and protect his subjects. A SAVIOUR; to save from sin, according to his name, _Jesus, _ MATTHEW 1:21; viz. from the condemnation that is due unto it, and the pollution that is acquired... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:32

WE ARE HIS WITNESSES; they refuse not to bear their testimony for Christ, who witnessed a good profession for us. SO IS ALSO THE HOLY GHOST; the Holy Ghost does witness, 1. By the apostles; through his grace and strength they bear their record. 2. By all the miracles that were wrought, for they we... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:33

OLBGrk; THEY WERE CUT TO THE HEART; they grinned with their teeth, visibly showing the rage and fury that was within them, by which they were as sawn and divided asunder; malice and rage being a grievous torment to the cruel and malicious, o gar megav ponov to mh zhn kalwv..... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:34

A PHARISEE; this sect was accounted more mild than the Sadducees. NAMED GAMALIEL; it is thought that this man was the same at whose feet Paul sat, ACTS 22:3: that he was the instructor to Barnabas and St. Stephen, with many other stories concerning him, are doubtful; howsoever, God made use of him,... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:35

A wise and good caution; for he that injures another brings the worse mischief upon himself, both in the sense of having done evil, and in being exposed to the revenging hand of God, whose property vengeance is, HEBREWS 10:30.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:36

_ Before these days; _ probably under the reign of Augustus, as he whom Josephus mentions was another under the reign of Claudius. THEUDAS; some suppose it a contracted name of Theodorus, as Demas is thought to be of Demetrius; though others think it to be of a Hebrew original.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:37

JUDAS OF GALILEE; whether this was the same Judas who was called Gaulonite, from the place of his birth, a town in or near Galilee, and Galileus, from the province itself in which he was born, it is not so material to discuss, Josephus makes mention of two of this name. THE TAXING; setting down all... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:38

AND NOW I SAY UNTO YOU; he undertakes to advise them what they should do in the present case. REFRAIN FROM THESE MEN; have nothing to do with them, as Pilate's wife advised him concerning our Saviour, MATTHEW 27:19. Gamaliel interposes, partly out of his moderate and mild disposition; partly out of... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:39

The other part of the dilemma. _The counsel of the Lord, that shall stand,_ PROVERBS 19:21 ISAIAH 46:10; and it must needs be so, for all power is his, in whom we live and move, ACTS 17:28. FIGHT AGAINST GOD; they who afflict and contend with his people unjustly, though they little think so, set the... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:40

TO HIM THEY AGREED; they yielded to his reason and argument, being persuaded and convinced by it. BEATEN THEM; this was what our Saviour had foretold them, MATTHEW 10:17; and thus the husbandmen took the householder's servants and beat them, MATTHEW 21:35. They had power yet left them by the Romans... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:41

REJOICING; it argued full persuasion of the truth, and great resolution to abide by it, that they could account so foul a disgrace for Christ's sake to be an honour. THAT THEY WERE COUNTED WORTHY TO SUFFER; it is a condescension and favour, when God uses any to give testimony unto his trnth, althoug... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 5:42

This is the same with what we read ACTS 20:20, _publicly, and from house to house; _ that is, in the temple, and public places, they preached unto the Jews; and in more private places, (or houses), where they saw it needful; unto such they conversed with. They visited their flock, and instructed, ex... [ Continue Reading ]

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