Acts 6:1

ACTS CHAPTER 6 ACTS 6:1 The apostles, that the poor might not be neglected, recommend, ACTS 6:5,6 and with, the church's consent ordain, seven chosen men, deacons. ACTS 6:7 The word of God prevaileth. ACTS 6:8 Stephen, full of faith and the Holy Ghost, confuting those with whom he disputed, is broug... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 6:2

THE TWELVE; for such was their number now again, Matthias having supplied the place of Judas; this is that blessed number, or the root of it, which God hath so much magnified. THE WORD OF GOD; preaching of the word, and other duties belonging to it. SERVE TABLES; either providing for the agapae and... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 6:3

LOOK YE OUT AMONG YOU SEVEN MEN; as carefully and circumspectly as ye would in any cases of your own concerns. OF HONEST REPORT; a good direction, that obliges to this day, in all elections of any for the service of God and his church. FULL OF THE HOLY GHOST; of the gifts and graces of the Holy Ghos... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 6:4

WE WILL GIVE OURSELVES CONTINUALLY; we will stick close, and with perseverance, to this work. TO PRAYER, AND TO THE MINISTRY OF THE WORD; the two great employs of a minister of Jesus Christ; to pray unto God for the people, and to speak unto the people from the Lord: these, though great businesses,... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 6:5

All these being Greek names, it is likely they were all Hellenists, and descended from Hebrew parents, but born in foreign countries; or amongst the Jews they might have other names, which St. Luke, writing this history, translated into Greek. _A proselyte of Antioch:_ see ACTS 2:10.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 6:6

WHEN THEY HAD PRAYED; prayer is the salt which seasoneth and sanctifieth all things. THEY LAID THEIR HANDS ON THEM; a rite used in the church of old, 1. In their sacrifices, EXODUS 29:15; 2. In their blessings, GENESIS 48:14 3. In their designations unto a charge or office; thus Moses on Joshua, N... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 6:7

A GREAT COMPANY OF THE PRIESTS; none so violent opposers of the gospel as these were (their interest in all likelihood, heightening their opposition); yet great is truth, especially the Spirit of truth, and did prevail; and though in itself the number might not be so great as to be called a great mu... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 6:8

FULL OF FAITH AND POWER; enabled to preach, dispute, do, and suffer all things through Christ. DID GREAT WONDERS AND MIRACLES AMONG THE PEOPLE; of whom he cured many; or, AMONG THE PEOPLE, in that he did these wonders publicly.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 6:9

CERTAIN OF THE SYNAGOGUE; synagogues were as colleges in our universities, being used for instruction and learning; and were distinguished according to the persons that frequented them. LIBERTINES; some think these were natives of a certain country in Africa, from whence they were so called; but mor... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 6:10

NOT ABLE TO RESIST; they did oppose it, but ineffectually. _The wisdom: The foolishness of God is wiser than men,_ 1 CORINTHIANS 1:25. What then is his wisdom, through which this holy man spake? THE SPIRIT; the Holy Ghost directing him, and putting a Divine power upon what he spake, according to the... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 6:11

What these BLASPHEMOUS WORDS were, we have, ACTS 6:14; which show, that the veil was yet over their hearts, and that they could not endure to hear, that the shadows must flee away when the sun is risen, and the types be abolished when the substance of the things typified is exhibited; for this truth... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 6:12

Being overcome by reason and arguments, they betake themselves to all the evil arts imaginable; they suborn witnesses against St. Stephen, as was done against Naboth, and (that we read of) never before; they make the people, and the number, (which is usually the worst), on their side; then they comp... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 6:13

They mingled in their testimony false things with truths, as they who witnessed against our Saviour had done. St. Stephen might possibly have inculcated what our Saviour had foretold, LUKE 19:43,44, and both have been very innocent; for neither of them spake with any abhorrence of, much less blasphe... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 6:14

This place; that is, the temple. Jeremiah had foretold this long ago, and did escape, though very narrowly, JEREMIAH 26:12; Daniel had prophesied of the destruction both of _the city and the sanctuary,_ DANIEL 9:26; and yet these were in great respect amongst them: and none could speak more plainly... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 6:15

With an extraordinary lustre and radiancy, above what appears in men, whereby they might be distinguished, as MATTHEW 28:2,3, affecting the beholders with admiration; thus Moses's face did shine.... [ Continue Reading ]

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