ACTS CHAPTER 6 Acts 6:1 The apostles, that the poor might not be neglected, recommend, Acts 6:5,6 and with, the church's consent ordain, seven chosen men, deacons. Acts 6:7 The word of God prevaileth. Acts 6:8 Stephen, full of faith and the Holy Ghost, confuting those with whom he disputed, is brought before the council, and by suborned evidence falsely accused of blasphemy against the law and the temple. Grecians; these were not such as are elsewhere called Greeks, either as being of that nation, or more generally taken for all Gentiles at large; but they were (as to their authority) Jews, and descended from such of them who, in several national calamities, were forced (or chose) to leave their country, and fly to Alexandria, and divers other places; yet kept themselves unmixed with other nations, retaining the knowledge of God, and coming to worship upon the solemn feasts; only, disusing the Hebrew language, they were more acquainted with the Greek tongue, (then commonly spoken every where), and used the Holy Scripture translated into that language, which made them the rather called Hellenists or Grecians. Their widows were neglected in the daily ministration; they were not taken, as others, into the college, or number of widows, who in that time had some care of the poor; or rather, because they were not so largely allowed, or carefully looked after; for those that sold their goods, being Hebrews, they might not be so tender over the Hellenists, whose estates laying farther off, could not so readily be sold for the relief of themselves or others.

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