Amos 1:1

AMOS CHAPTER 1 The time when Amos prophesied, AMOS 1:1 . He showeth God's judgments upon Syria, AMOS 1:3; upon the Philistines, AMOS 1:6 upon Tyre, AMOS 1:9; upon Edom, AMOS 1:11; upon Ammon AMOS 1:13 . THE WORDS: the Holy Ghost doth in this expression comprehensively take in all the sermons, visio... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 1:2

HE; Amos. THE LORD; the Almighty and Eternal, whom you of the ten tribes have forsaken, and thereby have provoked to displeasure. WILL ROAR: the prophet, alluding to what was dreadful, dangerous, and most rousing to shepherds, the roaring of a hungry lion that comes out of his den for prey, doth exp... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 1:3

THUS SAITH THE LORD; Amos speaks not by conjecture, or of his own head, but as he comes in the name of the Lord, so he assures us of it by this most solemn attestation. THREE TRANSGRESSIONS: this certain number is put for an uncertain; three, i.e. many, especially when, as here, it is joined with fo... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 1:4

I the Lord, avenger of mine oppressed Israel, Jehovah, as AMOS 1:3. A FIRE; either literally understood, or figuratively, famine, pestilence, wars foreign or intestine, effects of God's great but just displeasure, which destroys all like fire. THE HOUSE OF HAZAEL; the family, or the material house i... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 1:5

I, the mighty God, as AMOS 1:4, WILL BREAK, weaken and shake into pieces, THE BAR; literally, the bar with which the city gates were shut, and both fastened and strengthened, JUDGES 16:3 NEHEMIAH 7:3 PSALMS 107:16. Metaphorically it contains all the munitions, fortresses, and strength of a place or... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 1:6

THREE TRANSGRESSIONS: see AMOS 1:3. GAZA; the principal city of the Philistines; all the rest are to be understood; and here the city is named, but the inhabitants are meant also with the city; ancient and strong, the seat of the Anakims, conquered by Judah, yet lost soon after to the old inhabitant... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 1:7

I WILL SEND A FIRE; see AMOS 1:4; desolating judgments, expressed here by fire. ON THE WALL; which was strong, and a mighty defence to the city; this only mentioned, but all the power and strength of Gaza, and of whole Palestina, is here included, and the judgment denounced is here intended against... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 1:8

THE INHABITANT: see AMOS 1:5. ASHDOD: see ZEPHANIAH 2:4 MALACHI 9:6. This was one of the five cities of the Philistines, and had its roitelet. it was afterwards called AZOTUS, ACTS 8:40. In this city was Dagon's temple and statue, 1 SAMUEL 5:1. The like threat against Ashdod did Jeremiah denounce, J... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 1:9

The prophet having foretold the destruction of the Syrians and the Philistines, for their inhumanity and barbarous cruelty against the Jews, he doth now in the same manner and words foretell the destruction of the Tyrians. See AMOS 1:3. BECAUSE THEY DELIVERED UP THE WHOLE CAPTIVITY TO EDOM: see AMOS... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 1:11

THREE TRANSGRESSIONS: see AMOS 1:3. EDOM: see AMOS 1:6. I WILL NOT TURN AWAY THE PUNISHMENT THEREOF: see AMOS 1:3. _He did pursue_; watch for and lay hold on every occasion to oppress Israel. HIS BROTHER; Jacob and his posterity here are meant, as is Esau and his posterity. Esau personally considere... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 1:12

I WILL SEND A FIRE: see AMOS 1:4,7. TEMAN; metropolis of Idumea, called from Esau's grandson of that name; of this see EZEKIEL 25:13 HABAKKUK 3:3. And this here taken synecdochically implieth the inhabitants of this city, and of the whole country, which shall perish when the judgment here threatened... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 1:13

THE CHILDREN OF AMMON: this is the fourth kingdom threatened; a people descended from Lot, by his younger daughter, of near kin to Israel, and much-like neighbours as the Edomites, bitter enemies to the Jews: see EZEKIEL 25:2. I WILL NOT TURN AWAY THE PUNISHMENT THEREOF: see AMOS 1:4. RIPPED UP THE... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 1:14

I WILL KINDLE A FIRE IN THE WALL: see AMOS 1:4, where the phrase is explained: as to the time when this prophecy was fulfilled, it was partly when the Assyrian kingdom flourished, and partly by Nebuchadnezzar, as was foretold by Ezekiel, EZEKIEL 25:1, &c., which see. RABBAH; the chief city of the ki... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 1:15

THEIR KING; or Milchore, or Moloch, the idol of the Ammonites, so it signifieth, as well as king. I suppose the prophet may intend both, their god as well as their king shall be carried captive, as was customary with conquerors, 1 SAMUEL 5:2 ISAIAH 46:2. HE: this repeats and confirms the threat, whe... [ Continue Reading ]

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