AMOS CHAPTER 9 The certainty of Israel's desolation, AMOS 9:1. The
restoring of the tabernacle of David, and of the captivity of Israel.
I SAW: as before, AMOS 7:1,4,7 8:1; so here the prophet hath a fifth
vision. THE LORD; the great, glorious, just, and holy God, in some
visible tokens of his majes... [ Continue Reading ]
When David would describe the omnipresence of God, PSALMS 139:7, he
doth it most elegantly in almost the same manner as our inspired
herdman here doth. Wherever these seek to hide themselves from the
pursuing vengeance, they shall be found; he is with them, from whom
they hide. THOUGH THEY DIG INTO... [ Continue Reading ]
mountain, shelter and hiding-place for wild beasts, by a figure put
for all the rest; if they think to be safe where wild beasts find a
refuge, they are deceived, I WILL SEARCH AND TAKE THEM OUT THENCE; I
will, saith God, hunt them out... [ Continue Reading ]
THOUGH THEY GO INTO CAPTIVITY; those excluded from safety every where
else may perhaps hope that yet the enemy may spare. Captives are the
slaves, the possession of their conquering enemies; these make profit
of them by selling them to others, or employing them in labour and
service. BEFORE THEIR EN... [ Continue Reading ]
The prophet having foretold such sad, universal desolations, miseries
beyond what this secure people could think possible, and such as the
atheists among them censured, and derided as impossibilities, as AMOS
9:10; now in this and the following verses to the 10th the prophet
confirms his word, and t... [ Continue Reading ]
and will execute his just severities on you is that mighty, glorious
King, whose palace inconceivably surpasseth all the royal palaces of
the mightiest monarchs on earth; his chambers, as PSALMS 104:3, are in
the heavens: he by a wo... [ Continue Reading ]
ARE YE NOT, who glory in your descent from Abraham, and are in truth
the natural descendants of Israel, and think very highly of yourselves
on this account, slighting all other nations, and presuming that God
neither will nor can, because of his covenant, destroy you, whatever
prophets say, AS CHILD... [ Continue Reading ]
BEHOLD; consider things better, and argue more like men of reason. THE
EYES OF THE LORD GOD; God of infinite purity and knowledge, whose
nature hateth all sin, and whose office it is to punish sinners, his
eyes behold all the children of men, they run to and fro, as 2
CHRONICLES 16:9. Are upon the s... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR, LO: as this confirms what the 8th verse promiseth, so it
requireth a very diligent and full attention of us. I WILL COMMAND, or
give a charge to all nations whither these exiled persons shall come,
and they shall observe the charge, it shall as surely be done as it is
spoken. I WILL SIFT THE HO... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL THE SINNERS OF MY PEOPLE, the great, notorious sinners, idolaters,
oppressors, perverters of law and equity, cruel and inhuman judges and
others, shall die by the sword; either at home in the wars, or abroad
by barbarous men that captivate them; as AMOS 9:4. WHICH SAY; in their
hearts thinking o... [ Continue Reading ]
This promise I nothing doubt hath a double aspect, both to the return
out of captivity, and to the Messiah's kingdom, and each part is to be
considered by us: if we would duly explain this and the following
verse, let us look first to the letter and historical reference, and
next to the mystical and... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT THEY; literally and historically the Jews, or they of the two
tribes, and with them such of the ten tribes as did unite to them, and
returned to Jerusalem. MAY POSSESS, both the lands of Edom, and some
of the posterity of Edom; these as servants, the other as their
propriety. The remnant, left... [ Continue Reading ]
Here is another promise made literally for assurance of abundant
plenty to the returned captives, and mystically, of abundant grace
poured forth in gospel days. But of the letter and history. BEHOLD,
mark well, ye poor captived Jews, THE DAYS COME; the time will
certainly come, nay, it hasteth, and... [ Continue Reading ]
What is contained in this verse is an express promise of a return to
captive Israel, and it is an implicit stating of the time when those
former promises, AMOS 9:11, should be fulfilled. I WILL BRING AGAIN:
Cyrus was the person who proclaimed liberty of return to captive
Israel, but God stirred up h... [ Continue Reading ]
I WILL PLANT, or settle them, as trees that are well rooted, UPON
THEIR LAND, by ancient gift, and by late restitution to it by the
Lord. THEY SHALL NO MORE BE PULLED UP by the violence of their enemies
which promise is an implicit condition that they seek, and not forsake
the Lord, and was on God's... [ Continue Reading ]