Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power: whereunto that they might be enabled, it was needful to pray for a power from above, for the best Christians here below are but infirm as well as imperfect, not able to perform what is required of them for doing and suffering the will of God till strengthened: See Poole on "Philippians 4:13", compared with Revelation 7:17. We have here great need of all might, special aids of God, to discharge difficult duties, to mortify strong corruptions, to contemn worldly allurements, to repulse frequent temptations, to bear manifold crosses, and to improve daily mercies, derived from exceeding great and mighty power; See Poole on "Ephesians 1:19". See Poole on "Ephesians 1:20". See Poole on "Ephesians 3:16"; an excellent glorious power, 2 Corinthians 4:7,13, needful to consummate and complete, as well as begin, the work of grace, 2 Thessalonians 1:11; a great reality (and not a metaphor) to sincere converts and sound believers. Unto all patience; every way to bear the things which come hard upon them or continue long. Philosophy, with all its prescriptions, is ineffectual to form the soul to true patience and contentment under sufferings, it must be given on the behalf of Christ, Philippians 1:29, to a believer, to suffer patiently in tongue and heart, without a prevailing mixture of passion, so that evils do not make all impression upon him, but he doth possess his soul with patience to the end. And long-suffering with joyfulness; which he could not do with a becoming Christian cheerfulness, when, surcharged with a weight of troubles, he finds himself sinking, if he were not supported with the hands of Heaven, which relieve with present comfort, and raise up to believe a future reward, Matthew 5:12 Acts 5:41 Romans 5:3 1 Corinthians 11:32 2 Corinthians 1:5 Hebrews 11:27, Hebrews 12:10,12 Jas 1:2,4.

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