Which all are to perish with the using: he adds his reasons why, under the Christian institution, acceptable worshipping of God doth not consist in such observances, both because meats, drinks, garments, &c. are designed unto the benefit of man, for the preserving of his temporal life, and are consumed in their use. They cannot, in or by themselves, either make a man holy or render him unclean, Matthew 15:11 Mark 7:19 Romans 14:17 1 Corinthians 6:13 1 Timothy 4:3; they all come to corruption, or are consumed in doing us service, they cannot otherwise be of use; which may evince that all the benefit we receive from them doth only respect this mortal life, it not being imaginable that what perisheth in our use should be of any force to the life of our soul, which is immortal and incorruptible. And therefore to urge the reviving of antiquated ordinances, or bringing in such like new ones, is to corrupt or consume the creatures without any spiritual advantage, whereupon such impositions must needs be destructive; and because of the apostle's stronger argument, they are not after Christ, but after the precepts and decrees of men, compare Colossians 2:8, which is our Lord aud Master's argument against the inovations of the Pharisees, Matthew 15:9, agreeing with the prophet, Isaiah 29:13. To bring in additionals of uncommanded worship, or rites and ways of it, is forbidden of God, Deuteronomy 12:32 1 Thessalonians 14:26, 1 Thessalonians 16:13 Revelation 22:18; who (according to the purport of the second commandment) must be worshipped in a manner peculiar to him and appointed by him; and theretbre worship not appointed, i.e. not commanded, is forbidden by, him, who will accept of no homage from Christians in the business of religion, unless it be taught by him, and not by men only.

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