DANIEL CHAPTER 11 The overthrow of Persia by the king of Greeks, whose empire shall be divided, Daniel 11:1. Leagues and conflicts between the kings of the south and of the north, Daniel 11:5. The exploits of one of the latter princes, Daniel 11:21; who, being checked in his progress by the ships of Chittim, shall turn his fury against the Holy Land, Daniel 11:30. An impious tyranny set up, Daniel 11:36. Events that shall take place in the latter times, Daniel 11:40. This first verse should have been the last verse of the tenth chapter, for it pertains to it; and the second verse of this chapter should have been the first; which neglect those who divided the Scripture into Chapter s have been found guilty of more than once. Thus speaks the angel to Daniel; because Darius had the rule of Babylon by the consent of Cyrus, he settled the monarchy of the Medes and Persians upon the ruins of the Babylonian, for the verifying of prophecies, and for protection and preservation of the church.

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