DANIEL CHAPTER 3 Nebuchadnezzar setting up an image commandeth all
persons to worship it, DANIEL 3:1. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are
accused of disobeying the command, DANIEL 3:8. The king threateneth
them; their resolute answer, DANIEL 3:13. They are cast into the fiery
furnace, DANIEL 3:19. G... [ Continue Reading ]
This great statue, whether Nebuchadnezzar's own, or Bel, or any other
of his gods, see DANIEL 3:14, must be solemnly dedicated, and
therefore all the peers of the realm are called to it; but whether
these ranks of men and officers are truly rendered from the Chaldee
words is hard to determine, and n... [ Continue Reading ]
i. e. In the plains of Dura, where great multitudes might easily be
gathered, and behold it lifted up on high, conspicuous to all; they
beheld it with admiration, ready to adore it, in obedience to the
king's will and pleasure, for whatsoever pleased him pleased them,
walking willingly after the com... [ Continue Reading ]
AN HERALD: it is likely there were many heralds at the head of that
great concourse, else they could not all hear. PEOPLE, NATIONS, AND
LANGUAGES: proclamation was made therefore in several languages, to
some of several nations assembled there, and to the representatives of
all.... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL KINDS OF MUSIC, i.e. wind and stringed instruments of various
sorts and fashions, for we have here Syrian and Greek ones, as appears
by the words, though in Chaldee letters, for this mighty monarch was
lord over them all. YE FALL DOWN AND WORSHIP: mark, all that is
required of them is only a ges... [ Continue Reading ]
This was a punishment usual among the Chaldeans, to scorch, roast, and
burn offenders with fire, JEREMIAH 29:22: see /APC 1MA 7:3. And this
the king of Moab imitated, 2 KINGS 3:27 AMOS 2:1. This shows the
hellish malice and cruelty of wicked men, especially against those
that cross their pride and s... [ Continue Reading ]
The same methods hath new Babylon followed, in the long slavery of
their false catholic church, for the whole world wondered after the
beast, and none could make war with him, REVELATION 13:3,4,7,8.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
Now the devil's cloven foot appears, now ye have the bottom of the
plot; one of these two is clear: these Chaldeans finding the Jews made
courtiers, and preferred to places of trust and honour, they either
put the king upon this work, or else made use of it, both to satisfy
their ambition and wreak... [ Continue Reading ]
Why not Daniel too, because he was chief of all in honour? ANSW.
Because the king had a greater favour for him, and he was popular, and
beloved for his great wisdom and unblamable carriage; they would not
meddle with him now, lest by his knowledge and interest in the king he
might chance to spoil th... [ Continue Reading ]
Now when these men were brought before the king, though in rage, yet
he doth not presently throw them into the fire, but makes inquiry by
interrogatories, that he might see first if they were guilty, by
hearing them speak for themselves, and telling them he expected
obedience and conformity to his l... [ Continue Reading ]
Prodigious pride and blasphemy! for he doth not only insult over all
gods in general, but particularly against the only true God, whom he
lately confessed, DANIEL 2:47, to be A GOD OF GODS, AND A LORD OF
KINGS. So the king of Assyria, 2 KINGS 18:30,33. Thus all the tyrants
of the East, Turk, Mogul,... [ Continue Reading ]
Heb. WE CARE NOT, we may not, there is no need of any answer in this
case, for it is in vain for us to deliberate and debate the matter;
the king is resolved to have his will of us, and we are resolved on
the contrary; for to obey him in this horrid thing will be
disobedience against our God to the... [ Continue Reading ]
They were endued with a strong faith in their God, not only as to his
power, which was omnipotent and unlimited, but also as to his will,
which readily inclined him to succour his servants in their distress,
for his name's sake, according to his promise and the saints
experience in the like cases of... [ Continue Reading ]
They add this, BUT IF NOT, to show they did not presume to tie God to
this deliverance absolutely, for God is arbitrary, and knows how to
deliver, and sometimes to suffer his saints to glorify him by
suffering. It was therefore all one to them, which way of the two God
would honour himself, they wer... [ Continue Reading ]
The king's fury appeared in his face, and in his words; taking this
answer for the highest affront and provocation, which as the case
stood he could not bear, the pride of his heart made his indignation
boil over, and therefore he made the FURNACE SEVEN TIMES HOTTER.
Tyrants would burn the people of... [ Continue Reading ]
Did he think these three men would have resisted, or that their God
would defend them from his power, or that, if he had, the king and his
mighty men could have prevailed? None of all this was in the case, for
God purposed to show his power when the king did his worst, and to
quench the violence of... [ Continue Reading ]
This is observable and wonderful, that the fire should not catch their
garments, being the most obnoxious to it.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE KING'S COMMANDMENT WAS URGENT; which made them the more hasty and
precipitate in their execution, and took less care for themselves
against the violence of the flame. THE FIRE SLEW THOSE MEN; a signal
hand of God upon such as execute wicked commands, who, though mighty
men, had no might to escap... [ Continue Reading ]
All this is expressed with emphasis, to make the power of God more
glorious in their preservation; for that flame that slew the
executioners might much more easily have suffocated the three children
before they fell down.... [ Continue Reading ]
ROSE UP IN HASTE: this fear, perturbation, and amazement as the word
signifies, surprised the king, being surprised with the strangeness of
it, beholding something supernatural in it, together with the
disappointment of his design and cruel commands. TRUE, O KING: the
Lord extorted this confession f... [ Continue Reading ]
I SEE; the fire gave light to see them, though it had no power of heat
to burn them. LIKE THE SON OF GOD; a Divine, most beautiful, and
glorious countenance; either of a mere angel, or rather of Jesus
Christ, the Angel of the covenant, who did sometimes appear in the Old
Testament before his incarna... [ Continue Reading ]
CAME NEAR; as near as he durst come, within hearing. _And spake_ with
a milder tone than before, God having abated the fire of his fury. Now
he could at once confess and acknowledge the true God to be the Most
High above all gods, and the three worthies to be his faithful
servants. CAME FORTH OF THE... [ Continue Reading ]
SAW THESE MEN, with great admiration, for the satisfaction of all by
their sight of them, and by their smell. All the works of God are
perfect, and there was nothing here wanting to make this wonderful
deliverance complete. Here was a pure act of God's omnipotence, to
divide between the fire and its... [ Continue Reading ]
Thus out of the mouths of blasphemers and contemners of God can the
Lord ordain praise: yet all this did not draw off this king from his
idolatry, for he saith, THE GOD OF SHADRACH, & c., not his God.
Wonders will not work conversion till God work upon the heart,
DEUTERONOMY 29:24. He blesseth God f... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, that though he doth not resolve to worship the true God,
nor command others to do it, yet he would not allow the God of the
Jews to be evil spoken of; this was all that he came up to. He was
resolved to hold fast to the religion established, his own idols; nay,
the great golden idol, w... [ Continue Reading ]
They that honour God, them will God honour. To suffer, and suffer
shame and pains, for God, is to honour God. 1 THESSALONIANS 21:19 1
PETER 4:14. It is probable that the Chaldeans used to reproach the God
of the Jews, and more upon this account, because for his sake these
his servants refused confor... [ Continue Reading ]