My God hath sent his angel; he had his eye specially to Him whose cause and honour was concerned in this matter. The Lord either took the lions hunger away from them, or made Daniel appeared terrible to them; or, literally, shut their mouths. Before him innocency was found in me; because by faith he trusted in the Lord, Hebrews 11:33; therefore the papists from hence falsely conclude justification by works and merits, assigning fallaciously a false cause instead of a principal, formal, and meritorious cause; for the word forasmuch or because in Scripture doth often signify an occasion rather than a cause; Psalms 25:11, Pardon my sin, for it is great. Daniel did not use to argue thus, but the contrary, Daniel 9:7,18. Daniel pleads the innocence of his cause to the king in suffering, not the righteousness of his person; and that the Lord delivered him to assert his honour in his unjust sufferings. Before thee, O king have I done no hurt; nor have I sinned against, thee, O king: the fear of God is set before honouring of kings, 1 Peter 2:17.

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