OLBHeb; DANIEL CHAPTER 7 Daniel's vision of the four beasts, DANIEL
7:1, and of God's kingdom, DANIEL 7:9. The interpretation thereof,
DANIEL 7:15. This prophecy is written in Chaldee, to be a monument and
document to him of the reverence his father and grandfather showed
towards God, who had done s... [ Continue Reading ]
Because Daniel doth not expound what is meant by WINDS, expositors
think there is room left for every one's conjecture; wherein this
seems most likely, that by the four winds of the great sea is
signified commotions of contrary nations and factions, striving
together by wars, and producing these fou... [ Continue Reading ]
That is, four great monarchies, GREAT in comparison of particular
kingdoms that were little to them; beasts for their idolatry, and
tyrannical oppressions and depredations.... [ Continue Reading ]
LION, AND EAGLE; one the king of beasts, the other the king of birds,
for which he is called the golden head, as DANIEL 2:32,38. This was
the Chaldean or Assyrian; whose seat was first at Babylon, after at
Nineveh, and then at Babylon again. HAD EAGLE'S WINGS; they were
swift, overrunning many count... [ Continue Reading ]
ANOTHER BEAST, viz. the Medes and Persians, a fierce, grim, ravenous
creature, and barbarously cruel, especially the mountainous part, as
of Caucasus, Armenia, and Media by The Caspian Sea near the Tartars,
and that which borders upon the Mogul, the Usbecks, and the Sasbuts;
read ISAIAH 13:17,18 JER... [ Continue Reading ]
This LEOPARD was the Grecian monarchy; a leopard is less than a lion,
so was this monarchy at first, but yet durst fight with a lion; so did
Alexander encounter Darius with a force very small to the other. A
LEOPARD also for his swiftness; therefore described with FOUR WINGS on
his back. THE BEAST H... [ Continue Reading ]
A FOURTH BEAST: this was the Roman empire; for that followed the
Grecian, and was monstrous as to his rise and progress. STAMPED THE
RESIDUE WITH THE FEET OF IT. As to the variety and cruelty of the
government, it made use not only of Italians, but Spaniards, Gauls,
Germans, Britons, which made thei... [ Continue Reading ]
Daniel CONSIDERED, and this calls upon us to consider the matter.
ANOTHER LITTLE HORN: some will have the Turk meant; others, before
him, Antiochus Epiphanes; others Julius Caesar; others antichrist. It
is certain the horn that riseth out of the he-goat is Antiochus,
DANIEL 8:9, but the horn here me... [ Continue Reading ]
By THRONES CAST DOWN must be meant the kingdoms of this world,
destroyed by Christ the King and Judge of all, called the Ancient of
days, because of his eternal Deity; WITHOUT BEGINNING AND END OF DAYS.
WHOSE GARMENT WAS WHITE AS SNOW; thus kings viceroys were clothed, as
Joseph in fine silk, GENESI... [ Continue Reading ]
A FIERY STREAM ISSUED; see PSA 1 3; noting his justice and wrath, in
giving sentence and executing it. TEN THOUSAND TIMES TEN THOUSAND
STOOD BEFORE HIM: this is the great assize. THE JUDGMENT WAS SET, AND
THE BOOKS WERE OPENED: see REVELATION 20:11,12. This, say some, is
spoken agreeable to the Syne... [ Continue Reading ]
This cannot but be meant of the ruin and judgment of antichrist, till
the beast was slain, and his body destroyed and given to the burning
flame, 2 THESSALONIANS 2:8 REVELATION 17:8, REVELATION 19:20 20:10.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY HAD THEIR DOMINION TAKEN AWAY; the prophet chiefly intends the
fourth empire, and therein the proud, blasphemous horn; yet did not
wholly omit to speak of the three first empires, and what became of
them. He saith they were wholly taken away, that is, successively, as
histories tell us. The bea... [ Continue Reading ]
ONE LIKE THE SON OF MAN; that is, the Messiah: this is the same with
the stone, DA 2; he came _with the clouds of heaven_, MATTHEW 24:30,
i.e. gloriously, swiftly, and terribly, JEREMIAH 4:13. THEY BROUGHT
HIM NEAR BEFORE HIM: this relates to his ascension, ACTS 1:9, at which
time, though King befor... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
I was transported even to astonishment with the vision, it was so
strange, surprising, and terrible to me.... [ Continue Reading ]
UNTO ONE OF THEM THAT STOOD BY; that is, to an angel that ministered,
MALACHI 3:4,7. ASKED HIM THE TRUTH OF ALL THIS; that I might learn of
him the true and full meaning of this vision; which the angel readily
told him.... [ Continue Reading ]
Men of the earth, of earthly principles, idolatrous, ambitious,
sensual, tyrannical; who, after they have acted their parts, shall be
driven off the stage into the tiring rooms of death and destruction.... [ Continue Reading ]
Jesus Christ being their King, they shall reign with him, REVELATION
1:6, REVELATION 20:4, and possess the kingdom for ever, MATTHEW 19:28
shall be for ever, because Christ's kingdom is the last kingdom, never
any shall succeed a... [ Continue Reading ]
I would feign know it more perfectly and exactly, because the Jewish
nation and church were to be scattered long by and under the fourth
beast.... [ Continue Reading ]
HIS FELLOWS, i.e. he had more power and more fierceness. This is wont
to be interpreted of Antiochus, and the persecuting emperors, because
it agrees well to them.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
This shows plainly the horn is antichrist of Rome, or the whore that
rides the beast, and this is more apparent in the interpretation of
the FOURTH BEAST AND THE TEN KINGS.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 23. No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
TEN KINGS; which Junius, Piscator, Polanus make to be the kings of
Syria, and reckon ten of them, and that is not all neither; the tenth
is Antiochus, but this cannot be, for he died one hundred and sixty
years before Christ. Others interpret the other THAT RISETH AFTER THE
TEN, AND THAT SHALL SUBDU... [ Continue Reading ]
The numbers of Daniel and John seem to agree. Daniel was certainly
prophetical in these things, and his prophecy reacheth to the end of
times, even of antichrist's reign. I will not deny but Antiochus might
be a type and forerunner of antichrist, and did many things against
the Jewish church, with c... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 27. No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE END OF THE MATTER, i.e. of the vision, and the angel's
1. Because it became him so to be, as a holy wise man ought to be in
that case.
2. By this impression made upon him, God would have it laid up in his
heart to be drawn out occasionally, and del... [ Continue Reading ]