Every place; not absolutely, as if the Jews should be lords of all the world, as the rabbins fondly conceit; but in the Promised Land, as it is restrained in the following words. Shall be yours, either by possession, or by dominion, to wit, upon condition of your obedience. From the wilderness, to wit, of Sin, on the south side. And Lebanon; and from Lebanon; or, and to Lebanon, which was the northern border. The river Euphrates on the east. So far their right of dominion extended, but that their sins cut them short; and so far Solomon extended his dominion. Unto the uttermost sea; the western or midland sea; Heb. the hindermost sea; for the eastern part of the world being generally esteemed the foremost, and the southern on the right hand, Psalms 89:12, and consequently the northern on the left hand, the western part must needs be behind. Of these bounds of the land see Genesis 10:19, Genesis 15:18 Exodus 23:31 Joshua 1:3,4.

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