Deuteronomy 12:1

DEUTERONOMY CHAPTER 12 They are commanded to destroy all the places of idolatry, DEUTERONOMY 12:1; and must worship God in his own place, and after his will, DEUTERONOMY 12:4. The eating of blood prohibited, DEUTERONOMY 12:16. Where and how they should eat the tithe, DEUTERONOMY 12:17,18. The Levite... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 12:2

ALL THE PLACES; temples, chapels, altars, groves, as appears from other scriptures. The Gentiles used to employ the HIGH MOUNTAINS for their idolatry; _\see ISAIAH 57:5,7 EZE 6:13 HOSEA 4:13\_ and as they consecrated divers trees to their false gods, so they worshipped these under them:... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 12:3

THEIR PILLARS, upon which their images were set. _The names of them_, i.e. all the memorials of them, and the very names given to the places from the idols.... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 12:5

TO PUT HIS NAME THERE, i.e. to set up hiss worship there, or which he shall call by his name, as his house, or dwelling-place, &c., to wit, where the ark should be, the tabernacle, or temple; which was first Shiloh, JOSHUA 18:1, next and especially Jerusalem.... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 12:6

The SACRIFICES were wisely appropriated to that one and public place, partly for the security of the true religion, and for the prevention of idolatry and superstition, which otherwise might more easily have crept in; and partly to signify that their sacrifices were not accepted for their own worth,... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 12:7

THERE; not in the most holy place, wherein only the priests might eat, NUMBERS 18:10, but more generally in places allowed to the people for this end in the holy city. YE SHALL EAT, to wit, your part of the things mentioned DEUTERONOMY 12:6. BEFORE THE LORD, i.e. in the place of God's presence, wher... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 12:8

HERE; where the inconveniency of the place, and the uncertainty of our abode in and removal from several places, would not permit exact order in sacrifices, and feasts, and ceremonies, which therefore God was pleased then to dispense with; but, saith he, he will not do so there. EVERY MAN WHATSOEVER... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 12:11

HIS NAME, i.e. his majesty and glory, his worship and service, his special and gracious presence, and the tokens of it. ALL YOUR CHOICE VOWS, Heb. _the choice of your vows_. i.e. your select or chosen vows were to be perfect, whereas superfluous or deflective creatures were accepted in free-will off... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 12:12

Hence it appears, that though the males only were obliged to appear before God in their solemn feasts, EXODUS 23:17, yet the women also were permitted to come, as they did. See JUDGES 21:19,21 1 SAMUEL 1:3,7,21-23.... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 12:13

Nor the other things mentioned above, this one and most eminent kind being put for all the rest, as is usual; for being all expressed before, it was needless to repeat them again. IN EVERY PLACE THAT THOU SEEST, to wit, with complacency and approbation, which thou thinkest very fit and proper for su... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 12:15

THOU MAYEST KILL AND EAT FLESH, to wit, for thy common use and food. IN ALL THY GATES, i.e. thy cities or dwellings. WHATSOEVER THY SOUL LUSTETH AFTER; what you shall desire either for quantity or quality, provided always you observe the laws given you elsewhere about avoiding excess and uncleanness... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 12:17

THOU; either, 1. _Thou, O Levite_; or rather, 2. _Thou, O Israelite_, whom he distinguisheth from the Levite, DEUTERONOMY 12:18, accordingly as the following particulars agree to the one or to the other of you. Within thy gates, i.e. in your private habitations, here opposed to the place of God's wo... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 12:20

WHEN THE LORD SHALL ENLARGE THY BORDER, which will make it inconvenient and impossible to do what now thou dost, and because of the narrow bounds of thy camp canst conveniently do, to wit, to bring all the cattle thou usest to the tabernacle, which it seems probable they did, to prevent their eating... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 12:21

BE TOO FAR FROM THEE; in which case, being obliged to carry their sacrifice to the place of worship, that the blood might be there poured forth, &c., they might think themselves obliged, for the same reason, to carry their other cattle thither to be killed. They are therefore released from all such... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 12:22

AS THE ROEBUCK AND THE HART; as common or unhallowed food, though they be of the same kind with the sacrifices which are offered to God. THE UNCLEAN AND THE CLEAN SHALL EAT OF THEM ALIKE, because there was no holiness in such meat for which the unclean might be excluded from it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 12:30

SNARED; drawn into their sin and ruin. AFTER THAT THEY BE DESTROYED; i.e. by following the example they left, when their persons are destroyed. THAT THOU INQUIRE NOT AFTER THEIR GODS, through curiosity to know their gods, and the manner of the worship, lest thy vain and foolish mind be seduced by it... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 12:31

SHALT NOT DO SO UNTO THE LORD; either, 1. Not offer him that indignity and injury to worship other gods together with him. Or rather, 2. Not worship him in such manner as they worshipped their gods, to wit, by offering thy children to him, as they did to their gods, as it here follows, or by their... [ Continue Reading ]

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