DEUTERONOMY CHAPTER 24 Of the woman that was dismissed by her husband
with a bill of divorcement, DEUTERONOMY 24:1. The liberty of the
new-married man, DEUTERONOMY 24:5. Pawns and pledges, DEUTERONOMY
24:6. Man-stealers, DEUTERONOMY 24:7. Leprosy, DEUTERONOMY 24:8. And
again of pawns or pledges, DEU... [ Continue Reading ]
For although he could not causelessly put her away without sin, yet
she being put away, and forsaken by her husband, might marry another
without sin, as is determined in the same or a like case, 1
CORINTHIANS 7:15.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
This is the punishment of his levity and injustice in putting her away
without sufficient cause, which by this offer he now acknowledgeth.
AFTER THAT SHE IS DEFILED; not simply and absolutely, as if her second
marriage were a sin, but respectively, or as to her first husband, to
whom she is as a def... [ Continue Reading ]
ANY BUSINESS, i.e. any public office or employment, which may cause an
absence from or neglect of his wife. HE SHALL BE FREE AT HOME ONE
YEAR, that their affections newly engaged may be firmly settled, so as
there may be no occasions for the divorces last mentioned.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE NETHER OR THE UPPER MILLSTONE, used in their handmills; of which
see EXODUS 11:5 NUMBERS 11:8 JEREMIAH 25:10. Under this one kind he
understands all other things necessary to get a livelihood, the taking
away whereof is against the laws both of charity and prudence, seeing
by those things alone... [ Continue Reading ]
SEE POOLE ON "EXODUS 21:16".... [ Continue Reading ]
By which words he plainly intimates, that they were not only to have
an eye to the Levites instructions, but also and especially unto the
word and command of God, and that if the Levites sentence were
manifestly contrary to the command of God, it were not to be obeyed.
As now if a Levite or priest s... [ Continue Reading ]
God smote Miriam with leprosy for her contempt of Moses, and therefore
thou mayst expect the same or like punishment, if thou dost despise
the counsel and direction of the Levites, which I have set over thee,
and commanded thee to observe in this and the like matters.... [ Continue Reading ]
To prevent both the poor man's reproach, by having his wants exposed
to view, and the creditor's insolence and greediness, which might be
occasioned by the sight of something which he desired, and the debtor
could not spare.... [ Continue Reading ]
He shall choose what pledge he please, provided only it be sufficient
for the purpose.... [ Continue Reading ]
But restore it before night, which intimates that he should take no
such thing for pledge, without which a man cannot sleep, since it were
an idle thing to fetch it and carry it every day. SEE POOLE ON "EXODUS
22:26,27".... [ Continue Reading ]
BLESS THEE, instrumentally, as ministers are said to convert and save
sinners, to wit, bring down the blessing of God upon thee by his
prayers; for though his prayers, if he be not a good man, shall not
avail for his own behalf, yet they shall avail for thy benefit.
Either by laying too grievous burdens of work upon him, or by
withholding his wages from him, as it follows.... [ Continue Reading ]
AT HIS DAY; at the time appointed, weekly or daily. NEITHER SHALL THE
SUN GO DOWN UPON IT, to wit, after the day upon which it is due, and
desired or demanded by him; for justice must not be denied or delayed.
SETTETH HIS HEART UPON IT, Heb. _lifteth up his soul to it_, which
notes his great desire... [ Continue Reading ]
Understand it thus, if the one be free from the guilt of the other's
sin, and except in those cases where the sovereign Lord of life and
death, before whom none is innocent, hath commanded it, as DEU 13 JOS
7:24. For this law is given to men, not to God; and though God do
visit the father's sins upo... [ Continue Reading ]
NOR OF THE FATHERLESS; nor of the _widow_, which is to be supplied out
of the last member; nor indeed of any other person; but he
particularly mentions these, partly because men are most apt to wrong
such helpless persons, and partly because God is pleased especially to
charge himself, and so to cha... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU SHALT REMEMBER, to wit, affectionately and practically; and by
the compassionate sense of others miseries, thou shalt make it evident
that thou hast not forgotten thy own distresses and deliverances. I
COMMAND THEE TO DO THIS THING; I having thereby authority to command
thee, and thou having ob... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEN THOU BEATEST THINE OLIVE TREE with staves, as they used to do to
fetch down the olives.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]