DEUTERONOMY CHAPTER 4 An exhortation to obey the law, DEUTERONOMY 4:1;
and warning against idolatry, DEUTERONOMY 4:14; from the mischief of
it upon themselves and children, DEUTERONOMY 4:25; God's promise upon
their repentance, DEUTERONOMY 4:29; and from God's wonders towards
them, DEUTERONOMY 4:32.... [ Continue Reading ]
YE SHALL NOT ADD, by devising other doctrines or ways of worship than
what I have taught or prescribed; see NUMBERS 15:39,40 DEU 12:8,32 1
KINGS 12:33 PROVERBS 30:6 MATTHEW 15:9; for this were to accuse me of
want of wisdom or care or faithfulness in not giving you sufficient
instructions for my own... [ Continue Reading ]
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No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
For though the generality of heathen people in the latter and
degenerate ages of the world, did, through inveterate prejudices, and
for their own lusts and interest, condemn the laws of the Hebrews as
foolish and absurd, yet it is most certain that divers of the wisest
heathens did highly approve of... [ Continue Reading ]
GOD NIGH UNTO THEM, by glorious miracles, by the pledges of his
special presence, by the operations of his grace, and particularly, as
it here follows, by his readiness to hear our prayers, and to give us
those succours which we call upon him for.... [ Continue Reading ]
Whereby he implies that the true greatness of a nation doth not
consist in pomp or power, or largeness of empire, as commonly men
think, but in the righteousness of its laws.... [ Continue Reading ]
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Some of them stood in Horeb in their own persons, though then they
were but young; the rest stood then in the loins of their parents, in
whom they may well be said to stand there, because they are said to
have entered into covenant with God, because their parents did so in
their name and for their u... [ Continue Reading ]
Flaming up into the air, which is oft called _heaven_; and the _midst_
or the _heart_ of it is not only that which is strictly and properly
the middle part, but that which is within it, though but a little way,
in which sense places or persons or things are said to be in the heart
of the sea, EXODUS... [ Continue Reading ]
i.e. No resemblance or representation of God, whereby either his
essence or properties or actions were represented, such as were usual
among the heathens.... [ Continue Reading ]
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STATUTES AND JUDGMENTS, i.e. the ceremonial and judicial laws, which
are here distinguished from the moral, or the ten commandments,
DEUTERONOMY 4:13.... [ Continue Reading ]
By which caution he insinuates man's great proneness to the worship of
images. God, who in other places and times did appear in a similitude,
in the fashion of a man, now in this most solemn appearance, when he
comes to give eternal laws for the regulation and direction of the
Israelites in the wors... [ Continue Reading ]
i.e. Lest ye corrupt your minds with mean and carnal thoughts of God.
Or, _corrupt_ your ways or courses, by worshipping God in a corrupt
manner, or by falling into idolatry. A GRAVEN IMAGE, to wit, for
worship, or for the representation of God, as it is explained
DEUTERONOMY 4:19, for otherwise it... [ Continue Reading ]
Whereby the heathen nations did represent and worship God, some by an
ox, some by a goat, or a hen, or a serpent, or a fish, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]
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DRIVEN TO WORSHIP THEM, i.e. strongly inclined, and in a manner
constrained, partly by the glory of these heavenly bodies, which may
seem to be made for higher purposes than to enlighten this lump of
earth; partly from that natural propension which is in men to
idolatry. Or, _shouldest be driven_ or... [ Continue Reading ]
i.e. The furnace wherein iron and other metals are melted, to which
Egypt is fitly compared, not only for the torment and misery which
they there endured, but also because they were thoroughly tried and
purged thereby, as metals are by the fire. A PEOPLE OF INHERITANCE;
his peculiar possession from... [ Continue Reading ]
God hath granted you the favour which he denied to me, which greatly
increaseth your obligation to God.... [ Continue Reading ]
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Or, _commanded thee_, to wit, not to do, which is easily understood by
comparing this place with EXODUS 20:4,5, and with GENESIS 3:11, where
this phrase is fully expressed. See more on LEVITICUS 4:2 DEUTERONOMY
2:37.... [ Continue Reading ]
A CONSUMING FIRE; a just and terrible God, who, notwithstanding his
special relation to thee, will severely punish and destroy thee if
thou provokest him by idolatry, or other ways. A JEALOUS GOD, who
being espoused to thee, will be highly incensed against thee, (if thou
followest after other lovers... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD: these words are here added, either,
1. As a caution. Your idolatry, though possibly secretly and cunningly
managed, will not be hid from him; he sees it, and he will punish it.
2. To aggravate their spiritual whoredom, as being committed in the
sight and presence of t... [ Continue Reading ]
1. Figuratively, i.e. God, and angels, and men. Or rather,
2. Properly; it being usual in Scripture to call in the senseless
creatures as witnesses in such cases, as DEUTERONOMY 32:1 ISAIAH 1:2
JEREMIAH 2:12.... [ Continue Reading ]
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i.e. Idols. You shall be compelled by men, and given up by me to
idolatry. So that very thing which was your choice shall be your
punishment; it being just and usual for God to punish one sin by
giving them up to another, as is manifest from ROMANS 1:24,25.... [ Continue Reading ]
IF THOU SEEK HIM; if thou desirest his help and favour. See
DEUTERONOMY 30:2 ISAIAH 45:6. WITH ALL THY HEART, i.e. sincerely and
fervently.... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THE LATTER DAYS; either in general, in succeeding ages and
generations; or particularly, in the days of the Messias, which are
commonly called in Scripture THE LATTER, or _last days_, as ISAIAH 2:2
HOSEA 3:5 MICAH 4:1 DANIEL 2:44 HEBREWS 1:2, HEBREWS 9:26. And so this
may respect the conversion a... [ Continue Reading ]
i.e. Made with thy fathers, including their posterity, as GENESIS
17:7.... [ Continue Reading ]
FROM THE ONE SIDE OF HEAVEN, i.e. of the earth under heaven. Ask all
the inhabitants of the world. Compare MATTHEW 24:31, with MARK 13:27.... [ Continue Reading ]
i.e. And was not overwhelmed and consumed by such a glorious
appearance. See EXODUS 24:11, EXODUS 33:20... [ Continue Reading ]
BY TEMPTATIONS; by tribulations and persecutions, which are commonly
called _temptations_, which are here fitly mentioned as one great
occasion first of their cries unto God, and then of God's coming for
their rescue. Or, _temptations_ is the general title, which is
explained by the following partic... [ Continue Reading ]
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OUT OF HEAVEN, i.e. out of the air, above Mount Sinai. See EXODUS
19:9, EXODUS 20:18,22. Upon earth; at the top of Mount Sinai.... [ Continue Reading ]
IN HIS SIGHT; keeping his eye fixed upon him, as the father doth on
his beloved child. Or, _with his presence_, i.e. he did not send them
forth by Moses, but he himself was present with them, and as it were
marched along with them, in the pillar of cloud and fire.... [ Continue Reading ]
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No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
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As God had commanded him NUMBERS 35:6,14... [ Continue Reading ]
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No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
Which hath been generally intimated already, but is more particularly
and punctually expressed in the following chapter, to which these
words are a preface.... [ Continue Reading ]
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No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]