ECCLESIASTES CHAPTER 3 Every thing hath its time; in which, to enjoy
it, and therewith do good to others, is our good, ECCLESIASTES 3:1.
God doth all according to his decree that we should fear him, and
there is nothing new, ECCLESIASTES 3:14,15. The vanity of unjust
judgment; God is the great Judge... [ Continue Reading ]
A TIME TO DIE; a certain period unknown to man, but fixed by God, in
which a man must unavoidably die; of which see JOB 14:5 1
THESSALONIANS 13:1. A TIME TO PLANT; wherein God inclines a man's
heart to planting.... [ Continue Reading ]
A TIME TO KILL; when a man shall die a violent death, either by
chance, as EXODUS 21:13, or by the sentence of the magistrate, or by
the hands of murderers. A TIME TO HEAL; when he who seemed to be
mortally wounded shall be healed and restored. A TIME TO BREAK DOWN;
when houses shall be demolished,... [ Continue Reading ]
A TIME TO WEEP; when men shall have just occasion for weeping and
mourning.... [ Continue Reading ]
A TIME TO CAST AWAY STONES; which were brought together in order to
the building of a wall or house, but are now cast away, either because
the man who gathered them hath changed his mind, and desists from his
project, or by other causes or accidents. A TIME TO EMBRACE; when
persons shall enter into... [ Continue Reading ]
A TIME TO LOSE; when men shall lose their estates, either by God's
providence, or by their own choice. A TIME TO CAST AWAY; when a man
shall cast away his goods voluntarily, as in a storm to save his life,
as JONAH 1:5 ACTS 27:18,19; or out of love and obedience to God, as
MATTHEW 10:37,39 HEB 10:34... [ Continue Reading ]
A TIME TO REND; when men shall rend their garments, as they did in
great and sudden griefs, as GENESIS 37:29 JOEL 2:13. A TIME TO KEEP
SILENCE; wherein men will or shall be silent, either through grief, as
JOB 2:12,13, or by sickness or weakness, or because God denies a man
ability to utter his mind... [ Continue Reading ]
A TIME TO LOVE; when God will stir up the affection of love, or give
occasion for the exercise or discovery of it to others.... [ Continue Reading ]
Seeing then all actions and events in the world are out of man's
power, and no man can at any time do or enjoy any thing at his
pleasure, but only what and when God pleaseth, as hath been now shown
in many particulars, and it is as true and certain in all others,
hence it follows that all men's labo... [ Continue Reading ]
I HAVE SEEN, I have diligently observed and considered upon this
occasion, THE TRAVAIL, or _the occupation_ or _business_, men's
various employments, and the differing successes of them, WHICH GOD
1. Which God hath imposed upon men as their duty; and therefore... [ Continue Reading ]
as an apology for God's providence, notwithstanding all the contrary
events and confusions which are in the world. HE (i.e. _God_,
expressed in the last clause of the verse) HATH MADE (or _doth make_
or _do_, by his providence in... [ Continue Reading ]
I KNOW, by clear reason, and my own long and certain experience, THAT
THERE IS NO GOOD, no other satisfaction or felicity which a man can
enjoy, in them, in creatures or worldly enjoyments. _To do good_;
1. To himself, as it is fully expressed, PSALMS 49:18. Or,
2. To others; to employ the... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT EVERY MAN SHOULD EAT AND DRINK, i.e. hath power or a heart to use
what God hath given him, as it is expressed, ECCLESIASTES 6:2. IT IS
THE GIFT OF GOD; of which SEE POOLE ON "ECCLESIASTES 2:24".... [ Continue Reading ]
decrees are eternal and unchangeable, and his providence works
effectually, so as men cannot resist or hinder it. NOTHING CAN BE PUT
TO IT, NOR ANY THING TAKEN FROM IT; men can neither do any thing
besides or against God's counsel and... [ Continue Reading ]
BEEN; things past, present, and to come, are all of the same nature,
and all ordered in the same manner by one constant counsel and settled
course in all parts and ages of the world. There is a continual return
of the same motions and... [ Continue Reading ]
This is mentioned, either,
1. As another vanity, to wit, the vanity of honour and power, which is
so oft an instrument of injustice and oppression. Or rather,
2. As another argument of the vanity of worldly things, or a
hinderance of that comfort which men expect in this life, because they
are opp... [ Continue Reading ]
I SAID IN MINE HEART, mine heart was sorely grieved at this disorder,
but I quieted it with this consideration, GOD SHALL JUDGE THE
RIGHTEOUS AND THE WICKED; absolving and saving the just, and
condemning the wicked. A TIME, fixed by God's unalterable decree. He
implies, that as this life is the sinn... [ Continue Reading ]
I SAID IN MY HEART; and further I considered with myself. CONCERNING
THE ESTATE OF THE SONS OF MEN; concerning their condition and
deportment in this present world. THAT GOD MIGHT MANIFEST THEM; God
suffers these horrible disorders among men, expressed ECCLESIASTES
3:16, that he might discover men t... [ Continue Reading ]
BEFALLETH BEASTS; they are subject to the same diseases, pains, and
casualties. SO DIETH THE OTHER; as certainly, and no less painfully.
ONE BREATH; one breath of life, which is in their nostrils; one and
the same living soul, by which the beasts perform the same vital and
animal operations. For he... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL GO UNTO ONE PLACE; to the earth, as it is expressed, ECCLESIASTES
3:21, out of which they were both taken. ALL TURN TO DUST AGAIN; which
is meant only of their bodies, as it is explained, ECCLESIASTES 12:7.... [ Continue Reading ]
It might be objected, that the conditions of men and beasts are vastly
differing, because man's spirit goeth upward to God, ECCLESIASTES
12:7, but the spirit of a beast goeth downward, together with its
body, and perisheth with it. To this he answers, _Who knoweth this_ ?
which is not to be understo... [ Continue Reading ]
THERE IS NOTHING BETTER, to wit, for a man's present satisfaction, and
the happiness of this life, than that a man should rejoice in his own
works; that he comfortably enjoy what God hath given him, and not
disquiet himself with cares about future events. He seems to speak
this, not in the person of... [ Continue Reading ]