An evil; a great trouble and temptation to a considerate and good man. The heart of the sons of men, of wicked men, such as the generality of mankind are, is full of evil; either,

1. Of grief upon this occasion. Or rather,

2. Of wickedness, as appears from the next clause, and by comparing this place with Ecclesiastes 8:11. Madness is in their heart; upon this account they go on madly and desperately in evil courses, without any fear of an after-reckoning. After that the go to the dead; after all their mad and wicked pranks in the whole course of their life, they die in the same manner as the best men do. So hitherto there is no difference. For Solomon here forbears the consideration of the future life. Only he seems to intimate, that as the madness, so the happiness of the wicked is ended by death, which is more fully expressed in the following words.

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