That Christ; on whom this Spirit (who must strengthen you, as being a Spirit of might, Isaiah 11:2) resteth, Isaiah 61:1 May dwell in your hearts; may intimately and continually possess and fill, not your heads only with his doctrine, but your affections with his Spirit: see 1 Thessalonians 14:23. By faith; whereby ye not only believe Cllrist's truth, but receive and apprehend himself, and which is the means by which ye have union and communion with him. That ye, being rooted and grounded in love: either he means:

1. Our love to God and our neighbour; and then he prays that their love might not be slight and superficial, but strong and firm. Or:

2. God's love to us; and then he prays that the Ephesians, who had already tasted God's love to them in Christ, might be more fully strengthened in the persuasion of that love.

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