Speaking, &c.; in opposition to the vain chaff and lewd talkativeness of drunkards over their cups. To yourselves; Gr. in yourselves, i.e. among yourselves, both in church assemblies and families. In psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs; under these names he comprehends all manner of singing to mutual edification and God's glory. The particular distinction of them is uncertain, but most take psalms to be such as anciently were sung with musical instruments; hymns, such as contained only matter of praise; spiritual songs, such as were of various matter, doctrinal, prophetical, historical, &c.: see on Colossians 3:16. Singing and making melody in your heart; not only with your voice, but with inward affection, contrary to the guise of hypocrites. To the Lord; to the glory of God, not for the pleasure of the sense, or for gain, &c.

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