EPHESAIANS CHAPTER 6 EPHESIANS 6:1 The relative duties of children,
EPHESIANS 6:4 and parents, EPHESIANS 6:5 of servants, EPHESIANS 6:9
and masters. EPHESIANS 6:10 Paul exhorteth the brethren to resist
spiritual enemies by putting on the whole armour of God, EPHESIANS
6:18 and by perseverance in pra... [ Continue Reading ]
i.e. A special promise annexed to the particular duty commanded. There
being promises added to only two commandments, viz. the second and
this fifth; that which is annexed to the second commandment is a
general one, and which relates to the whole law, but this a special
one, and which respects this... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT THOU MAYEST LIVE LONG and happily. This promise is still
fulfilled to believers, either in the thing itself here promised, or
in a better way, God's giving them eternal life.... [ Continue Reading ]
PROVOKE NOT YOUR CHILDREN TO WRATH; viz. by unreasonable severity,
moroseness, unrighteous commands, &c. BUT BRING THEM UP IN THE
NURTURE; or correction, as the word signifies, HEBREWS 12:6. AND
ADMONITION; this denotes the end of the former; instruction in their
duty must be, as well as correction... [ Continue Reading ]
SERVANTS; these servants were generally slaves: Christian liberty doth
not take away civil servitude. BE OBEDIENT TO THEM THAT ARE YOUR
MASTERS; whether good or bad, as 1 PETER 2:18, is expressly said.
ACCORDING TO THE FLESH; as to your outward state, not as to your souls
and consciences. WITH FEAR... [ Continue Reading ]
NOT WITH EYESERVICE; not merely having respect to your masters
presence, and looking upon you in your work. AS MEN-PLEASERS; such as
make it their only business to please their masters, right or wrong,
and ingratiate themselves with them, though by offending God. BUT AS
THE SERVANTS OF CHRIST; as be... [ Continue Reading ]
WITH GOOD WILL DOING SERVICE; not grudgingly or as of constraint, but
freely and cheerfully. AS TO THE LORD, AND NOT TO MEN; not only
regarding men your masters, but Christ your great Master. That which
is done for the worst masters, and in the hardest things, is service
done to Christ, when out of... [ Continue Reading ]
WHATSOEVER GOOD THING ANY MAN DOETH; viz. as the servant of Christ and
as unto the Lord. THE SAME SHALL HE RECEIVE OF THE LORD; the reward of
the same, by a metonymy. WHETHER HE BE BOND OR FREE: Christ regards
not those differences of men at the present, nor will in the day of
judgment, 1 CORINTHIAN... [ Continue Reading ]
special, which belong only to servants, but in general, which concern
you no less than them, viz. do your duty to them with good will, with
an eye to God and Christ, &c.; or rather, do your duty mutually to
them, according to your condit... [ Continue Reading ]
BE STRONG; or, strengthen yourselves; i.e. be courageous, and constant
in the practice of your duty, against the devil and all his assaults.
IN THE LORD: not in yourselves, but in the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom
your strength lies, and from whom by faith you may obtain it: see
PHILIPPIANS 4:13 2 TIMO... [ Continue Reading ]
PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOUR; get yourselves furnished with every grace,
that none be wanting in you, no part naked and exposed to your
enemies. OF GOD; i.e. not carnal, but spiritual, and given by God: see
STAND; either to fight, or rather... [ Continue Reading ]
WE WRESTLE NOT; not only, or not principally. AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD;
men, consisting of flesh and blood, MATTHEW 16:17 GALATIANS 1:16. BUT
either that rule in the... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THE EVIL DAY; times of temptation, and Satan's greatest rage: see
EPHESIANS 5:16. HAVING DONE ALL; all that belongs to good soldiers of
Jesus Christ, all that we can do being little enough to secure our
standing. TO STAND; as conquerors do that keep the field, not being
beaten down, nor giving wa... [ Continue Reading ]
STAND THEREFORE: standing here (in a different sense from what it was
taken in before) seems to imply watchfulness, readiness for the
combat, and keeping our places, both as to our general and particular
callings: if soldiers leave their ranks they endanger themselves.
HAVING YOUR LOINS GIRT ABOUT W... [ Continue Reading ]
YOUR FEET SHOD; in allusion to the greaves or military shoes with
which soldiers covered their feet and legs. A Christian's way lies
through rough places, through briers and thorns, and therefore he
needs this piece of armour. He must be prepared to hold the faith, and
confess Christ in the most dif... [ Continue Reading ]
ABOVE ALL; chiefly, COLOSSIANS 3:14: this he sets, as the principal
part of the Christian armour, against the greatest temptations, fiery
darts, 1 PETER 5:8,9 1 JOHN 5:4. TAKING THE SHIELD OF FAITH: faith, as
receiving Christ and the benefits of redemption, is compared to a
shield, (under which sold... [ Continue Reading ]
TAKE THE HELMET OF SALVATION: _salvation, _ for _the hope of
salvation,_ 1 THESSALONIANS 5:8. This follows faith, and is of kin to
it. Soldiers dare not fight without their helmet: despair, to which
the devil tempts us, makes us quit our combat; whereas hope of
salvation makes us lift up our heads i... [ Continue Reading ]
PRAYING ALWAYS; i.e. in every opportunity, so often as our own or
others necessities call us to it, 1 THESSALONIANS 5:17. WITH ALL
PRAYER AND SUPPLICATION; prayer, when opposed to supplication, seems
to signify petitioning for good things, and supplication the
deprecating of evil, 1 TIMOTHY 2:1. IN... [ Continue Reading ]
UTTERANCE, or speech, viz. both the things I am to speak, and the
faculty of speaking as becomes the matter I deliver. THAT I MAY OPEN
MY MOUTH; or, in or unto the opening of my mouth, i.e. full and free
profession of the truth, without shame or fear. BOLDLY; either, freely
and confidently, the same... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR WHICH I AM AN AMBASSADOR IN BONDS; for which gospel I still
continue, though a prisoner, in the embassy committed to me by Christ.
THAT THEREIN I MAY SPEAK BOLDLY; this may imply not only free
speaking, but free acting in all things whereby the gospel may be
propagated.... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT THAT YE ALSO, as well as other churches, MAY KNOW MY AFFAIRS, how
I am used by the Romans in my bonds. HOW I DO, or rather, what I do,
i.e. how I behave myself: see ACTS 28:30,31. FAITHFUL MINISTER:
_minister_ is here taken in a large sense, for any that labour in the
gospel, such as were not on... [ Continue Reading ]
That ye might not _faint at my tribulations,_ EPHESIANS 3:13. It might
be a comfort to them to hear that Paul was well used, (setting aside
his bonds), and had liberty to preach to those that came to him.... [ Continue Reading ]
He prays for their continuance and increase in these graces, which
already were begun in them.... [ Continue Reading ]
This is more extensive than the former, he prays here for all true
believers every where. IN SINCERITY; or, with incorruption, i.e. so as
that nothing can draw them off from the love of Christ, and so it
implies constancy as well as sincerity. WRITTEN FROM ROME UNTO THE
EPHESIANS BY TYCHICUS.... [ Continue Reading ]