Esther 2:1

ESTHER CHAPTER 2 The virgins of the kingdom being gathered together, a queen is to be chosen, ESTHER 2:1. Esther, nursed by Mordecai, is chosen to be one of the virgins, ESTHER 2:5; and preferred before the rest, ESTHER 2:9. The manner of her purification, ESTHER 2:12. She pleaseth the king, and is... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 2:2

THE KING'S SERVANTS, for their own interests, were obliged to quiet the king's mind, and procure him another amiable consort.... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 2:3

KEEPER OF THE WOMEN; either, 1. Of the virgins, who are oft called _women_, as here, ESTHER 2:11,12, and elsewhere. So it is a synecdoche. Or, 2. Of all the women, both virgins and concubines; only the virgins he himself took care of, as requiring more care and caution, and the concubines he commi... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 2:6

WHO HAD BEEN CARRIED AWAY: this may be referred either, 1. To Kish, Mordecai's grandfather last mentioned; or, 2. To Mordecai, who was then carried away, either, 1. In the loins of his parents, in which sense Levi is said _to be tithed in Abraham_, HEB 7; and as those persons named EZR 2 are said... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 2:7

THAT IS, ESTHER; HADASSAH was her Hebrew name before her marriage, and she was called Esther by the king after it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 2:8

ESTHER WAS BROUGHT, or _taken_, and that by force, as that word oft signifies. So great was the power and tyranny of the Persian kings, that they could and did take what persons they liked to their own use.... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 2:9

THE MAIDEN PLEASED HIM; partly because she was very beautiful, and therefore he supposed she would be very acceptable to the king, which would be his advantage; and partly by the Divine Power, which moveth the hearts of men which way he pleaseth.... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 2:10

Lest the knowledge hereof should either make her contemptible or odious, or bring some inconvenience to the whole nation, as things might happen. But there was also a hand of God in causing this to be concealed, for the better accomplishment of that which he designed, though Mordecai was ignorant of... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 2:12

ACCORDING TO THE MANNER OF THE WOMEN; who were kept so long, partly, for their better purification, as it here follows; partly, out of state, as that which became so great a king; and partly, that being so long in safe custody, the king might be sure that the child begotten upon any of them was his... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 2:13

THEN THUS; thus purified and prepared; and thus as it follows. WHATSOEVER SHE DESIRED, for ornament, or by way of attendance.... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 2:15

SHE REQUIRED NOTHING, to show that she was not desirous to please the king, and that she was brought to the king without and against her own inclination and choice. ESTHER OBTAINED FAVOUR IN THE SIGHT OF ALL THEM THAT LOOKED UPON HER, i.e. was admired by them for her beauty.... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 2:16

INTO HIS HOUSE ROYAL; and into his bed, as is implied; to which it is not strange if she, though a virtuous person, did in those circumstances yield, considering the infirmity of human nature, and of that sex, and the state of those times, when plurality of wives was permitted, and concubines were o... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 2:18

HE MADE A RELEASE TO THE PROVINCES, i.e. he took off a good part of those heavy taxes which the Persian kings laid upon their people.... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 2:19

THE SECOND TIME; either, 1. When Esther, with others, were brought to the king's house, as it was decreed above, ESTHER 2:2,3, which is called _the second time_, because they had taken this course once before, when Vashti was chosen queen. But there is no mention of any such former use; and by the... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 2:21

WHICH KEPT THE DOOR; either, 1. Of the king's chamber. Or, 2. Of his court; and so they sat in the gate, as Mordecai did, who by that means contracting some familiar acquaintance with them, might make some discovery of their minds and design. SOUGHT TO LAY HAND, i.e. violent hand; to kill him, as... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 2:23

This may be referred, either, 1. To the writing, to note that this was written in the king's presence by scribes, who were continually present with the king to write all remarkable passages happening in the court from time to time. Or, 2. To the book, which was laid up before the king, that he mig... [ Continue Reading ]

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