The second time; either,

1. When Esther, with others, were brought to the king's house, as it was decreed above, Esther 2:2,3, which is called the second time, because they had taken this course once before, when Vashti was chosen queen. But there is no mention of any such former use; and by the manner of proposing it seems to have been a new project. Or,

2. Since Esther was declared queen; for though that point was determined, the king's lust was not yet satisfied; and therefore being pleased with the former experiment, he desired another collection of virgins, whom he might make his concubines. And this seems best to agree with the following words. For it is not probable that Mordecai sat at the king's gate till Esther was queen; for till then he only walked before the court of the women's house, as is expressed, Esther 2:11. Mordecai sat in the king's gate; either,

1. Voluntarily, to learn the progress of affairs. Or rather,

2. By office, as one of the king's guard or ministers; being advanced to this place by Esther's favour, though without any discovery of her relation to him.

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