ESTHER CHAPTER 3 Haman is advanced by the king, Esther 3:1,2. Being despised by Mordecai, he seeketh to destroy all the Jews, Esther 3:2. He casteth lots, Esther 2:7; and accusing the Jews to the king, obtaineth a decree to put them to death, Esther 2:8. Letters issued out to destroy all the Jews, Esther 3:12. The Agagite, i. e. an Amalekite of the royal seed of that nation, whose kings were commonly and successively called Agag, as hath been observed before. It is true, he is called a Macedonian in the apocryphal additions to this book; and so he might be by his birth or habitation in that place, though by his original he was of another people. Set his seat above all the princes that were with him; gave him the first place and seat, which was next to the king. Compare 2 Kings 25:28.

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