Exodus 1:1

EXODUS CHAPTER 1 The names and numbers of the children of Israel that came into Egypt, EXODUS 1:1. Joseph, his brethren, and that generation die, EXODUS 1:6. A new king, who knew not Joseph, EXODUS 1:8, goeth about by affliction, & c. to suppress the Israelites, EXODUS 1:9. They increase, EXODUS 1:1... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 1:3

Who, though the youngest of all, is placed before Dan, Naphtali, &c., because these were the sons of the handmaidens.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 1:5

SEVENTY SOULS, including Jacob and Joseph, and his two sons. See GENESIS 46:26,27 DEU 10:22. Or if they were but sixty-nine, they are called seventy by a round number, of which we shall have many instances. i.e. All that were of the same age with Joseph and his brethren.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 1:7

Here are many words, and some very emphatical, to express their incredible multiplication. They WAXED EXCEEDING MIGHTY; which may relate either to their numbers, which greatly added to their strength, or to their constitution, to note that their offspring was strong as well as numerous. Atheistical... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 1:8

A NEW KING, i.e. another king; one of another disposition, or interest, or family; for the kingdom of Egypt did oft pass from one family to another, as appears from the history of the _Dynastics_ recorded in ancient writers. WHICH KNEW NOT JOSEPH, or, _acknowledged not_ the vast obligations which Jo... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 1:9

This was not a true, but an invidious representation and aggravation of the matter, the better to justify the sororities which he designed.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 1:10

War was not unusual in that country. So get them up out of the land, which they might easily learn from some of the Hebrews, that they were in due time to do. And they were very unwilling to pint with them, because of the tribute and service which they did receive and expect from them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 1:11

TASKMASTERS, Heb. _masters of tribute_, who were to exact from them the tribute required, which was both money and labour; that their purses might be exhausted by the one, their strength by the other, and their spirits by both. _To afflict, or, oppress, or humble_; to spend their strength by excessi... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 1:12

THEY MULTIPLIED, through God's overruling providence and singular blessing, which God gave them purposely to hasten first their sorer affliction, and next, and by that means, their glorious deliverance. THEY WERE GRIEVED, through envy and fear.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 1:13

Or, _cruelty_, or, _tyranny_; with hard words and cruel usage, without mercy or mitigation. This God permitted for wise and just reasons. 1. As a punishment of their idolatry, into which divers of them fell there. JOSHUA 24:14 EZEKIEL 20:5,7,8 23:8 2. To wean them from the land of Egypt, which oth... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 1:15

THE HEBREW MIDWIVES; such as not only were employed about the Hebrew women, but were Hebrews themselves, not Egyptians, as some suppose; as may appear, 1. Because they are expressly called, not _the midwives of the Hebrews_, but THE HEBREW MIDWIVES. 2. The Egyptian midwives would not willingly emp... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 1:16

THE STOOLS; a seat used by women when ready to be delivered, conveniently framed for the midwife's better discharge of her office. YE SHALL KILL HIM, which it was not difficult for them to do without much observation. IF IT BE A DAUGHTER, THEN SHE SHALL LIVE; either, 1. Because he feared not them,... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 1:17

_ 1635_ THEY FEARED GOD more than the king, and therefore chose to obey God rather than the king, their commands being contrary each to other.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 1:19

THEY ARE LIVELY, or, _vigorous_ and active in promoting the birth of their own children; or, like _the beasts_, which without any help of others bring forth their young. So the Hebrew word signifies; and so there is only a refe of the particle of similitude, which is frequent, as I have noted before... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 1:20

THEREFORE, because they feared God, and spared the children, EXODUS 1:17, whereby they exposed themselves to the king's displeasure; because they would not offend God by murdering the children, which they might have done many times secretly, and therefore it was only the fear of God which restrained... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 1:21

i.e. God greatly increased their families both in children and posterity, and in wealth, and other outward blessings. So this phrase is used GENESIS 30:30 DEUTERONOMY 25:9 1 SAMUEL 2:35 1 KINGS 2:24, 1 KINGS 11:38 PSALMS 127:1. As HOUSES are commonly put for families, so _building_ is put for procre... [ Continue Reading ]

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