Exodus 11:1

EXODUS CHAPTER 11 God commandeth the Israelites to borrow jewels of the Egyptians, EXODUS 11:2. God giveth them favour among the Egyptians, EXODUS 11:3. Moses denounceth the last plague, EXODUS 11:4,5. A great cry, EXODUS 11:6. The Israelites safety, EXODUS 11:7. The Egyptians thrusting them out, EX... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 11:2

The Israelites, who at first lived distinctly by when they themselves, were greatly multiplied, and Pharaoh began to cast a jealous eye upon them, and to take cruel counsels against them, were more mixed with the Egyptians, as appears from \\Exodus 12:12,13, and many other places, either by their ow... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 11:3

Therefore they complied with their request, not only out of love to the people, but out of fear to Moses, lest he should punish them severely in case of refusal.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 11:4

MOSES SAID this to Pharaoh before his departure, as appears by comparing EXODUS 11:8 with EXODUS 10:29. And therefore the three first verses of this chapter come in by way of parenthesis; and now he returns to the story, and sets down the last words which Moses spake to Pharaoh for a final parting:... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 11:5

THAT SITTETH UPON HIS THRONE; either now actually ruling with his father, as Solomon did even whilst David lived, 1 KINGS 1:34; or, more probably, _he that is to sit_, the present time for the future, he whose right this is by the custom of Egypt, and by the law of nations. THE FIRST-BORN OF THE MAI... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 11:7

Instead of those loud cries of the Egyptian families, there shall be so great a tranquillity among the Israelites, that even the dogs, which are sensible of, and awaked, and provoked by, the least noise, shall not be stirred up by them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 11:8

Thy courtiers and great officers, who now are so insolent and obstinate, SHALL COME DOWN UNTO ME, both by their own inclination and necessity, and in thy name, and by thy command. THAT FOLLOW THEE; that are under thy conduct and command; as this or the like expression is used JUDGES 4:10 1 KINGS 20:... [ Continue Reading ]

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