Exodus 12:1

EXODUS CHAPTER 12 The month wherein they went out of Egypt to be to them the first month of the year, EXODUS 12:1,2. God enjoins them to choose a spotless lamb for the passover, EXODUS 12:3. How they were to eat the same, EXODUS 12:4. The description of the lamb, EXODUS 12:5; the time of killing it,... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:2

THIS MONTH was the first month after the vernal equinox, called _Abib_, EXODUS 13:4, EXODUS 23:15 DEUTERONOMY 16:1, and _Nissan_, NEHEMIAH 2:1 ESTHER 3:7; containing part of our _March_, and part of _April_. THE BEGINNING; Heb. _the head_; which, I conceive, notes not so much the order, which is mor... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:3

IN THE TENTH DAY; partly, that they might have the lamb ready for the sacrifice, and might not be distracted about procuring it when they should be going to use it; partly, that by the frequent contemplation of the lamb, as a sign appointed by God, they might have their faith strengthened as to thei... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:4

TOO LITTLE FOR THE LAMB, i.e. for the eating of the whole lamb at one meal, according to the rule, EXODUS 12:8,10; if the persons be so few that they cannot eat it up without gluttony. TAKE IT; or rather thus, word for word, _And_, or _Then he_ (the master of that family) _shall take also his neighb... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:5

WITHOUT BLEMISH; without any deformity or distemper of body. Heb. _perfect_. Of which see LEVITICUS 22:21, &c.; DEUTERONOMY 15:21, DEUTERONOMY 17:1. And this the very light of nature taught the heathens to observe in their sacrifices. This property was required both to typify Christ, a Lamb without... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:6

YE SHALL KEEP IT UP; separate it from the rest of the flock, and keep it in a safe place; the reasons of which, EXODUS 12:3. THE WHOLE ASSEMBLY; or rather, _every assembly_, to wit, every such society as meet together for eating of the lamb. And the assembly is said to kill it, because one person di... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:7

This was afterwards restrained to the priests, but at this time it was allowed to the masters of families, as their present circumstances required. THEY SHALL STRIKE IT; with a bunch of hyssop, EXODUS 12:22, as a badge of distinction between their houses and the Egyptians; not to direct the destroyi... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:8

IN THAT NIGHT, i.e. the night following the fourteenth, and beginning the fifteenth day. The lamb was killed upon the fourteenth day, in the evening or close thereof, but it was eaten upon the fifteenth day, to wit, in the beginning of it; whence the passover is said to be offered sometimes upon the... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:9

OLBHeb; EAT NOT OF IT RAW, i.e. not thoroughly roasted, for such we also say is _raw_ and so the Hebrew word na is understood by the Jewish and other doctors. It signified that Christ should suffer, as well as save, to the uttermost, all that was done for our sins. THE PURTENANCE; Heb. _the inwards_... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:10

That which either was not usually eaten, or was more than all of you could conveniently eat, YE SHALL BURN WITH FIRE; to prevent either, 1. The superstitious use of the relics of that lamb by the Israelites, who thereby had received a greater benefit than they did afterwards by the brazen serpent,... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:11

THUS SHALL YE EAT IT, to wit, for this time, because their circumstances required it, that they being suddenly to take a great journey, might be in a traveller's habit. But that these, and some other circumstances now enjoined and used, were only temporary, and not perpetual nor obligatory, sufficie... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:12

I WILL EXECUTE JUDGMENT; either, 1. By exposing them to shame and contempt, as vain and impotent gods that could not save their worshippers. But that appeared before. Or, 2. By destroying those beasts which they worshipped; and it is not unlikely but those particular beasts, which were their chief... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:13

A TOKEN, both to you, as he now said, a sign and a pledge to confirm your faith in the expectation of the promised deliverance; and to the angel, that he may know and pass over your houses, as the following words intimate. SEE POOLE ON "EXODUS 12:7". This is spoken of God after the manner of men; th... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:14

FOR A MEMORIAL, or monument, both of this deliverance from Egypt, and moreover of your redemption by Christ, of which that is a type, as even the ancient Jews understood it, who also noted that _Israel was to be redeemed in the days of the Messias upon the same day on which they were delivered from... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:15

SEVEN DAYS, besides and after the day of eating the passover, which was a distinct feast, and no part of the feast of unleavened bread, SHALL YE EAT UNLEAVENED BREAD, to remind them of their departure out of Egypt, which was so sudden that they had not leisure to leaven their dough. SEE POOLE ON "EX... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:16

AN HOLY CONVOCATION; a solemn day for the people to assemble together, and to attend upon the public worship and service of God in hearing his word, prayers, praises, and sacrifices. AND IN THE SEVENTH DAY, because then Pharaoh and his host were drowned in the sea. As on the first day the first-born... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:17

YOUR ARMIES, so called, not from their military force or courage, but from their numbers, and the order and manner in which they came forth. See EXODUS 13:18.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:18

UNTIL THE ONE AND TWENTIETH DAY, inclusively. For otherwise they were obliged to eat unleavened bread eight days, viz. on the day of the passover, EXODUS 12:8, and seven days after, which is strictly and properly called the feast of unleavened bread, because in them they were tied to that ceremony o... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:19

A STRANGER, to wit, a proselyte; for strangers unconverted to the Jewish religion were not obliged nor admitted to the celebration of the passover or feast of unleavened bread. Though I see no inconvenience, if all strangers, though heathens, were forbidden to have or use any unleavened bread at tha... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:22

A BUNCH OF HYSSOP; so the Hebrew word is rightly rendered, as appears from HEBREWS 9:19. THE DOOR OF HIS HOUSE, i.e. of the house wherein he did eat the passover, which ofttimes was his neighbour's house: see EXODUS 12:4. UNTIL THE MORNING; till the beginning of the morning after midnight, and after... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:23

WILL NOT SUFFER, Heb. _not give_ him license or commission. THE DESTROYER, i.e. the destroying angel, which whether it were a good or bad angel is not agreed, nor is it necessary to determine.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:24

THIS THING, viz. the substance of the thing, the passover and feast of unleavened bread, though not all the rites and ceremonies, whereof divers were peculiar to the first time.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:25

TO THE LAND, viz. of Canaan, as EXODUS 12:19. For in the wilderness they kept this feast but once, and that by God's particular direction, NUMBERS 9:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:26

Or, part of Divine worship. God expects this even from the Jewish children, and much more from Christian men, that they should inquire and understand what is said or done in the public worship or service of God, and therefore not to rest in dumb signs, whereof they neither inquire nor know the meani... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:27

The passover was both a sacrifice, as it was offered to God, as it appears from EXODUS 23:18, EXODUS 34:25 NUMBERS 9:7,13 DEU 16:2,5; and because there was in it the shedding and sprinkling of blood, wherein the essence of a sacrifice consists, 2 CHRONICLES 30:16, 2 CHRONICLES 35:11,13; and also a s... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:29

AT MIDNIGHT; a great aggravation of the plague; for then darkness itself strikes men with horror, and makes any calamity more terrible; then they were. asleep and secure, and least expected such a stroke. ALL THE FIRST-BORN, both of man and beast, whether male or female. Some extend it to all that w... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:30

NOT A HOUSE, to wit, of those houses which had any first-born in them, for in divers families there might be no first-born. And such restrictions of the universal particles are frequently understood.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:33

THEY WERE URGENT, not by force, which they durst not now use, but by earnest and importunate entreaties, EXODUS 11:8. This was the ground of that fable of the heathens mentioned in Tacitus, that the Jews were driven out of Egypt for their scabs; so they falsely and maliciously ascribed their own ulc... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:35

THEY BORROWED OF THE EGYPTIANS, either before this time, as they had opportunity, when their hearts were mollified by the foregoing plagues; or even at this time, when the Israelites might well take confidence to borrow, and the Egyptians would be willing to lend them, partly that they might gain th... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:36

THE LORD GAVE THE PEOPLE FAVOUR IN THE SIGHT OF THE EGYPTIANS, i.e. inclined their hearts to do it willingly, and not only out of fear. SO THAT THEY LENT UNTO HIM; Heb. _and they lent them_, to wit, the jewels or vessels mentioned EXODUS 12:35. THEY SPOILED THE EGYPTIANS, to wit, of their ornaments.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:37

SUCCOTH; a place so called, either because there the Israelites first lodged in booths or tents, whereas before they dwelt in houses; or because there God first spread his cloud of fire over them _for a covering._ PSALMS 105:39. SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND, to wit, grown and strong men, and fit for war, am... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:38

A MIXED MULTITUDE, consisting of Egyptians or other people, who went with them, either because they were their servants, or that by this means they might free themselves from the servitude which they endured under hard masters in Egypt; or because the glorious works which they had seen, had raised t... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:39

IT WAS NOT LEAVENED; both because leaven was forbidden to them at that time, and because the great haste required gave them not time for leavening it. THEY WERE THRUST OUT OF EGYPT; not by force, but by importunate requests, as was observed on EXODUS 12:33. Thus men are said to be driven to worship... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:40

It is plain that those years are to be computed from the first promise made to Abraham, GENESIS 12:1,2, to the giving of the law, from GALATIANS 3:17, where this is affirmed. And although it doth not plainly appear when that promise was made, because the Scripture mentions not Abraham's age, neither... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:41

If this be the right translation, the four hundred and thirty years mentioned GALATIANS 3:17 are to be taken in a latitude, for about or near so many years, as is very frequent in Scripture and other authors; else there wants one year of it, because the law was not given till about a year after thei... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:43

This which here followeth is the law or appointment of God concerning the celebration of the passover. NO STRANGER, OR, FOREIGNER, who is so both by nation and religion; for if he were circumcised, he might eat of it, EXODUS 12:44,48.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:44

WHEN THOU HAST CIRCUMCISED HIM; for the master had a power to circumcise such persons, GENESIS 17:12. And though it is probable, that by their interest in them, and a diligent instruction of them, they made them willing to receive circumcision, yet it seems they had a power to compel them to it; but... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 12:46

Partly, because they were all obliged not to go out of the house till the morning, EXODUS 12:22, and to leave none of it till that time, EXODUS 12:10; partly, lest it should be either superstitiously or profanely abused; and partly, to signify that Christ and salvation are not to be had out of God's... [ Continue Reading ]

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