Exodus 13:1

EXODUS CHAPTER 13 God commands all the first-born to be consecrated, EXODUS 13:1,2. The day of their going forth out of Egypt to be had in remembrance, EXODUS 13:3. The feast of unleavened bread to be kept in the land of Canaan, EXODUS 13:5. The firstlings of beasts to be set apart for the Lord, EXO... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:2

SANCTIFY UNTO ME, to my use and service, in manner as I shall hereafter explain. And _sanctify_, i.e. command all the people to sanctify, as Moses did, EXODUS 13:12. ALL THE FIRST-BORN, viz. if they be males, as it is limited, EXODUS 13:12. WHATSOEVER OPENETH THE WOMB; every child which is the first... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:5

_ This service_; which is spoken of before, and in the following verses. From this place it is evident the Israelites were not obliged to this service in the wilderness without a particular command from God. See DEUTERONOMY 12:1,9.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:9

The celebration of this feast shall be to thee instead of a mark which a man makes, or a ring, or any thing else which he puts upon his hand or arm, to bring any thing to his remembrance; for such things his eye is most frequently fixed upon. Compare SONG OF SOLOMON 8:6 ISAIAH 49:16 JEREMIAH 22:24 H... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:10

Heb. _From days to days_. But _days_ in the Hebrew tongue are oft put for a complete year. Of which see GENESIS 4:3 LEVITICUS 25:29 AMOS 4:4.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:11

THE LAND OF THE CANAANITES, under which general name all the other nations are contained, as being all the children of Canaan.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:12

THOU SHALT SET APART, i. e. separate it from the rest, resign thy right in it to God. HEB. CAUSE IT TO PASS, not through the fire, as that verb is used, DEUTERONOMY 18:10 2 KINGS 16:3; but under the rod, as it is used, and more fully expressed, LEVITICUS 27:32, which was the rite when any thing was... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:13

The _ass_ was an unclean creature, and therefore this rule was to be observed in all other unclean creatures, as appears, 1. Because the reason of this law is common to all such. 2. By comparing this place with NUMBERS 18:15. 3. Because the first-born of all beasts were appropriated to God; and be... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:14

Which is added to teach parents in all succeeding ages, that it is their duty to instruct their children in the word and works of God, and in the nature and reasons of every particular kind or part of God's worship and service. See DEUTERONOMY 15:5 PSALMS 66:4 HOSEA 2:14.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:16

FOR FRONTLETS; instead of frontlets. The sense is, This practice shall make your deliverance from Egypt as fresh and evident to you, and to your children, as any thing which you see hanged or written upon one another's foreheads. See EZEKIEL 9:4. It seems strange to me, that they that understand the... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:17

THE PHILISTINES, a fierce and warlike people, whereof they had sad and late experience, 1 CHRONICLES 7:21. THAT WAS NEAR; there being this way but a few days journey between Egypt and Canaan. Peradventure: God speaks after the manner of men, for nothing was unknown nor uncertain to him. Though the H... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:18

Or, _armed_, or _girt_ with swords and belts about the fifth rib, as the Hebrew word may imply. But it doth not appear how or whence they should get their arms, nor how the Egyptians would permit so numerous a people to have and to keep arms, especially when they had a long time oppressed and exaspe... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:19

THE BONES OF JOSEPH, and the other patriarchs, as appears from ACTS 7:16. The oath was taken only by the parents, but because the matter of it was not personal, and of particular concernment to them, but common to them and their children, therefore it obliged both the parents and their children, as... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 13:21

THE LORD, THE SON OF GOD, whose presence and conduct the Israelites had in the wilderness, as appears from 1 CORINTHIANS 10:4,9; compare HEBREWS 11:26; who is sometimes called the _Angel of the Lord_, EXODUS 14:19, because he was and was to be his Father's Angel or Messenger, sent by God unto men to... [ Continue Reading ]

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