Exodus 14:1

EXODUS CHAPTER 14 God commandeth the Israelites to encamp at Pi-hahiroth, EXODUS 14:1,2; the reason why, EXODUS 14:3,4. Pharaoh and his servants repent for letting the people go, EXODUS 14:5; pursue and overtake the Israelites, EXODUS 14:8,9. The Israelites are afraid, EXODUS 14:10; and murmur again... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:2

PI-HAHIROTH, HEB. _the month of Hiroth, _ i.e. the entrance or straits of Hiroth, two great mountains, between which they marched, and were enclosed on both sides. MIGDOL, a city in Egypt, JEREMIAH 44:1, wherein it is thought there was a garrison. BAAL-ZEPHON, another place of note, situated in a hi... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:4

I WILL BE HONOURED, by the manifestation of my power and justice. I will be honoured, by the manifestation of my power and justice.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:5

That the people fled; did not only depart for three days to sacrifice at Horeb, as Moses pretended, but designed an escape and flight, as appeared by their speedy march, and other circumstances. WHY HAVE WE DONE THIS? They who never truly repented of their sins, now heartily repent of their only goo... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:7

QUEST. How. could he use or carry his chariots, when all his horses were killed by that plague? EXODUS 9:6. ANSW. That plague slew only the horses which were in the field, EXODUS 9:3, not those kept in houses, as the chariot-horses generally were, and now are. ALL THE CHARIOTS, i.e. a great number;... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:8

Either, 1. Of God, with a Divine hand or power, by comparing EXODUS 13:16. Or, 2. Their own, not with hands hanging down, a posture betraying weakness and fainting, fear and shame, HEBREWS 12:12, but with hands lifted up; with courage and confidence, not like fugitives, but like valiant and victor... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:10

Which is not strange; these being now a people of low spirits, depressed by long and grievous servitude; being also generally unarmed, wearied with their journey, and their fears aggravated by the presence and outcries of their wives and children. But they should have supported themselves by the con... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:13

STAND STILL; HEB. _make yourselves to stand_; let not and your hearts fail and sink, or stagger through unbelief, but with quiet minds look up to God. It notes the frame of their minds, not the posture of their bodies. _Whom ye have seen_; or, _as ye have seen them_, to wit, alive and armed, ready t... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:14

Ye shall contribute nothing to the victory, neither by your words nor by your deeds; for this Hebrew word signifies a cessation not only from speech, but from action too, as 2 SAMUEL 19:11 PSALMS 83:1 ISAIAH 42:14,15. Or rather, _do you hold your peace_, the future tense for the imperative, as it is... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:15

WHEREFORE CRIEST THOU UNTO ME, by fervent, though secret prayer? for which he doth not reprove him, but only bids him turn his prayer into action. Compare JOSHUA 7:10,13.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:19

Not changing his place, for he was the omnipresent God, EXODUS 14:15; but his operation, from leading the Israelites forward in their way, to the protecting of them from their pursuers.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:20

IT WAS A CLOUD AND DARKNESS to the Egyptians, to whom it brought their former horrible darkness to mind, and did both exceedingly affright them, and altogether hinder them from motion or action, as that also did for three days. BUT IT GAVE LIGHT BY NIGHT to the Israelites, as the opposition showeth.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:21

A strong east wind; a proper instrument both to divide that sea, which lay north and south, and to dry and harden the mud at the bottom of the sea, that the Israelites might walk upon it. See GENESIS 8:13 EXODUS 15:8. Yet the wind could never have done so great a work, especially not so speedily, if... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:22

This was about midnight, as may be gathered from EXODUS 14:24. THE WATERS WERE A WALL, both for height, and for their defence.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:24

The night was anciently divided, not by hours, as now it is, but by watches, which sometimes were accounted four, and sometimes but three; howsoever the last of them was called the morning watch. Then when they hoped for most advantage in the pursuit, they met with their greatest disaster. THE LORD;... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:25

TOOK OFF THEIR CHARIOT WHEELS; either burning them with lightning, or tearing them in pieces with thunder-bolts, or loosening them, and making them to fall off. THAT THEY DRAVE THEM HEAVILY; HEB. and _he made him_, or _them_, the singular number for the plural, i.e. the Egyptians, or their chariots,... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:27

THE SEA RETURNED TO HIS STRENGTH; to its natural and it ordinary course and motion, which is swift and strong, which had been hitherto restrained by a stronger hand, and rendered in a manner impotent and weak. But now, Samson-like, when its bonds are broken, it puts forth its former and natural stre... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:28

AFTER THEM, i.e. after the children of Israel. Note here, the relative is put without an antecedent before it; the antecedent being to be understood and gathered out of the following verse, or out of the course of the story. An observation which is very useful for the understanding of many scripture... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:30

Which was done either, 1. By the natural power of the sea, which casteth up its dead bodies after a certain time; till which time God caused the Israelites to abide near the sea, that they might see this for their comfort. Or, 2. By the mighty power of God, which brought them, and their arms too,... [ Continue Reading ]

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