By the hand of the Lord; by any of those plagues wherewith God destroyed the Egyptians. When we did eat bread to the full; which is not probable; but they amplify their former mercies, that they might aggravate their present calamity, as the manner of impatient and ungodly men is. Quest. What danger was there of dying with hunger, seeing they had their flocks and herds which they brought out of Egypt? Answ.

1. There was no great danger of it, but they use aggravating expressions, as discontented persons use to do.

2. Their flocks and herds were not so numerous as to suffice them for above a month's provision, if they had all been slain and eaten, as it is implied Numbers 11:21,22. So there was some danger of it, though neither immediate nor great.

3. They were it seems resolved to spare these, partly for increase, and for their future subsistence; and partly for sacrifice, as not knowing how many of them they should be required to offer. See Exodus 10:26.

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