EXODUS CHAPTER 17 The children of Israel come to Rephidim; there is no water, therefore murmur against Moses, Exodus 17:1. Moses crieth to the Lord, Exodus 17:4. The Lord sendeth Moses to Horeb; he smiteth the rock, and water cometh out, Exodus 17:5,6. He names that place, and the reason of it, Exodus 17:7. Amalek warreth against the Israelites, Exodus 17:8. Moses appointeth Joshua to fight with him, Exodus 17:9. Joshua's success when Moses held up his hand; when let down, Amalek prevailed, Exodus 17:11. Moses buildeth an altar, and nameth it, Exodus 17:15. The reason of it, Exodus 17:16. After their journeys; by divers stations, recorded Numbers 33:12,13, &c., but here omitted, because there was nothing extraordinary happened in them. According to the commandment of the Lord, expressed either by word of mouth, or by the motion or rest of the cloudy pillar, Exodus 13:21.

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