Took a burnt-offering, i.e. gave, or offered; as that verb is used Psalms 68:18, compared with Ephesians 4:8; also Exodus 25:2. Which he did, that he might publicly testify both his embracing of the true religion, and his thankfulness to God for the great deliverance given to his people, wherein also himself and family were concerned. And he took or offered these, not immediately, or by himself, (which would have seemed a presumptuous and unwarrantable action for a stranger to undertake in the church of Israel,) but by those who were appointed to do it; in which sense David is said to have sacrificed, 2 Samuel 24:25, and Solomon, 1 Kings 8:63, and all those who brought their offerings to the priests to offer for them. A burnt offering and sacrifices, to wit, of thanksgiving, as is expressed Exodus 24:5; for part of these the offerers, with others, did eat, Leviticus 7:15, whereas no man might eat of the burnt-offerings, Leviticus 1:9. To eat bread, i.e. to feast together of the remainders of the sacrifices. Before God; either before the cloudy pillar; or rather, before the altar, and in the place of public worship; for some such place undoubtedly they had, though the tabernacle was not yet built; and that was the place appointed for such feasts. See Deuteronomy 12:7, Deuteronomy 27:7 1 Chronicles 29:21 Psalms 116:17.

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