EXODUS CHAPTER 21 Law concerning bond-men or slaves, Exodus 21:1. Servants bored through the ear, Exodus 21:6. Ordinances for bond-women, Exodus 21:7. Of murderers, Exodus 21:12. Of them that curse their parents, Exodus 21:17. Of strikers, Exodus 21:18,19. Of them that hurt a woman with child, Exodus 21:22. Of a master of a family that strikes out an eye or tooth of his man or maid servant, Exodus 21:26,27. Of a pushing ox, Exodus 21:29. Of them that hurt their neighbour's ox by digging a pit, Exodus 21:33. Of one ox killing another, Exodus 21:35,36. Or, the judicial laws, by which thou and the judges before mentioned shall govern thyself and the people in civil and criminal causes.

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