Exodus 22:1

EXODUS CHAPTER 22 Of theft, EXODUS 22:1. Of eating another man's vineyard, EXODUS 2:5 Of hurt coming by fire, EXODUS 22:6. Of hurt coming to goods committed to one's trust, EXODUS 22:7. Of hurt befalling things borrowed, EXODUS 22:14,15. Of committing adultery, EXODUS 22:16,17. Of witchcraft, EXODUS... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:2

Ver. 2: BREAKING UP, to wit, _an house_, which the Chaldee here adds, and _by night_, as appears from the next verse. FOR HIM, i.e. for the thief, though he be killed by a man in his own defence. Because in that case the thief might be presumed to have a worse design, and the owner of the house coul... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:3

THERE SHALL BE BLOOD SHED FOR HIM; he that kills him shall be put to death, because he punished him more than his crime deserved, and might have been otherwise either secured or righted; and in that case, it is probable, the thief designed not murder, but theft only. But if it were evident that the... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:4

ALIVE; not killed, nor sold, as EXODUS 22:1. DOUBLE; not more, 1. Because in that case it was presumed, either that he intended to restore it, or at least that he was but raw and unexercised in the trade of stealing, and so should be more gently punished. 2. Because the right owner recovered his g... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:6

HE THAT KINDLED THE FIVE, whether wilfully for such a purpose, or carelessly in such a time or place as was dangerous. HE SHALL SURELY MAKE RESTITUTION; which if he were not able to do, it is probable he was to be sold for it, as in like cases was provided.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:8

That they may examine all circumstances, and use all means to find out the truth, by offering him his oath, or otherwise. UNTO HIS NEIGHBOUR'S GOODS; either to take and reserve them for his own use, or to dispose of them to another for his own advantage.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:9

ALL MANNER OF TRESPASS, to wit, about matters deposited upon trust, and lost, of which alone this place speaks. WHICH ANOTHER CHALLENGETH TO BE HIS; or, _when_, or concerning which he shall say, This is it, viz. the thing that I have lost; or rather, This is he, to whom I committed it, and whom I su... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:11

AN OATH OF THE LORD; so called here, as also 1 KINGS 2:43, because it is taken by his authority and appointment, and for his honour, and in his name alone, God being made both witness, and judge, and avenger thereby. Shall be between them both, i.e. shall end the difference between them both; the on... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:12

FROM HIM, Heb. _from with him_, which is an emphatical expression, and notes that this was taken away, either, 1. From those things which were with him, or which were his, i.e. from the midst of his own goods, which supposeth fraud in him. Or, 2. From under his eye, when he either did know of it, o... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:13

LET HIM BRING IT; it, i.e. some part of the torn creature, which the wild beast haply had left, AMOS 3:11,12. QUEST. What if the whole creature were carried away, as a sheep or lamb is sometimes by the wolf? ANSW. 1. I suppose this was not frequent, and that those ravenous creatures did speedily fa... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:14

OUGHT, i.e. any living thing, which may be HURT or DIE, as it follows. HE SHALL SURELY MAKE IT GOOD: this may seem hard, but all things considered is reasonable; because in doubtful cases, wherein it is not evident whether the borrower was faulty or not, as it is here, it ought to be interpreted in... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:15

IF THE OWNER THEREOF BE WITH IT: the law reasonably presumes, both that the borrower would not abuse it in the sight of its owner, and that the lender might and would take due care about it. HE SHALL NOT MAKE IT GOOD, except there be some manifest fault in the borrower, as if he should kill or wound... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:16

IF A MAN ENTICE A MAID, by persuasions, promise of marriage, allurements, or rewards. But if she were betrothed, it was punished with death, DEUTERONOMY 22:23,24.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:17

This shows the necessity of parents consent in marriage. ACCORDING TO THE DOWRY OF VIRGINS, i.e. in such proportion as the virgin's quality requires; for there was no certain and equal dowry appointed for all women. SEE POOLE ON 1 Samuel 18:25. QUEST. Why is there no punishment for the woman? ANSW.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:18

i.e. Any person that is in league with the devil, and by his help either doth any mischief, or discovers and practices things above the reach of other men or women. Of which see EXODUS 7:11 LEVITICUS 20:27 DEUTERONOMY 18:10 1 SAMUEL 28:9. The word is of the feminine gender, partly because women are... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:20

SACRIFICETH, or otherwise worshippeth, as appears from DEUTERONOMY 17:2, and many other places. One act of worship put for all by a very familiar synecdoche. DESTROYED, Heb. _anathematized_, i.e. esteemed execrable, and as such destroyed without mercy. See DEUTERONOMY 13:15, DEUTERONOMY 18:20.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:25

ANY OF MY PEOPLE, i.e. any Israelite; for it was permitted to take usury of the Gentiles, DEUTERONOMY 23:20. THAT IS POOR: this seems to be added not by way of apposition, as if God's people and the poor were all one, because such are commonly poor; but by way of restriction; for God had promised gr... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:26

THY NEIGHBOUR S; to wit, that is poor, as appears by comparing this with the next verse, where he is supposed to have but one garment, and with DEUTERONOMY 24:12,13. BY THAT THE SUN GOETH DOWN; because he speaks of such raiment or covering wherein he used to sleep, EXODUS 22:27. But you are not to t... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:28

GODS; not gods falsely so called, as some would have it, as appears by 1 KINGS 18:27 JEREMIAH 10:11; but magistrates and governors, whether civil or ecclesiastical, as it is evident both from ACTS 23:3 and from the following words, which explain the former, according to the common use of Scripture,... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:29

THOU SHALT NOT DELAY beyond the times appointed, lest this delay grow to a total neglect. And _delay_ may here be put for _neglect_, as that word is used, DEUTERONOMY 7:10, DEUTERONOMY 23:21 HABAKKUK 2:3; which may seem to be favoured by the following clause, which commands the giving or offering of... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:30

LIKEWISE, i.e. ye shall offer their first-born. ON THE EIGHTH DAY; not sooner, because it was till then tender and imperfect, and therefore not fit to be offered to God; but it was not tied to that day, for it might be offered afterwards, appears from LEVITICUS 22:27, even till it was a year old.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 22:31

YE SHALL BE HOLY, i.e. separated from all filthiness, both moral and ceremonial. NEITHER SHALL YE EAT ANY FLESH THAT IS TORN OF BEASTS; partly, because the blood was not taken out of it; partly, because the clean beast was ceremonially defiled by the touch of the unclean; and partly, to beget in the... [ Continue Reading ]

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