Exodus 24:1

EXODUS CHAPTER 24 Moses, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu are commanded to appear before the Lord, EXODUS 24:1. Who was to come near the Lord, EXODUS 24:2. Moses buildeth an altar and twelve pillars, EXODUS 24:4. He sends young men to sacrifice unto the Lord, EXODUS 24:5. He sprinkles the altar with the bloo... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:2

MOSES ALONE, i.e. without the persons now mentioned, though not without Joshua his minister, as some conceive from EXODUS 24:13, though even there Moses seems to ascend into the mount without Joshua. NEITHER SHALL THE PEOPLE GO UP WITH HIM to any part of the mount, as Aaron, and Nadab, &c. did, but... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:3

MOSES CAME down from the mount to the people, after he had received the laws from God. ALL THE WORDS WHICH THE LORD HATH SAID WILL WE DO: this they so readily and rashly promise, because they were not sensible of their own weakness, and because they did not understand the comprehensiveness, and spir... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:4

MOSES WROTE, to wit, in a book, HEBREWS 9:19. And the ten commandments God himself wrote also in tables of stone, EXODUS 31:18. BUILDED AN ALTAR; representing God in Christ, as one party in the covenant. TWELVE PILLARS; representing the people of Israel, the other party. So here are the outward sign... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:5

It matters not whether they were the first-born, or others; it is sufficient that they were persons appointed and authorized for the present service, not without God's direction. PEACE-OFFERINGS OF OXEN; one kind, as the principal is named for all; for there were offered also goats, as appears both... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:6

HALF OF THE BLOOD of the beasts killed, which for conveniency of sprinkling was mixed with a little water, HEBREWS 9:19, whereby also Christ was most fitly represented, who came by water and blood, 1 JOHN 5:6. HALF OF THE BLOOD HE SPRINKLED ON THE ALTAR, to signify, as well that God was appeased and... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:7

THE BOOK OF THE COVENANT, wherein Moses had written the conditions of this covenant, to wit, the words and laws of God, above, EXODUS 24:4. IN THE AUDIENCE OF THE PEOPLE, i.e. in the hearing of a great number of them, or of some in the name of all the people, by whom it was read, or otherwise publis... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:8

MOSES TOOK THE BLOOD; the other half of the blood, which was put in the basons for this end, EXODUS 24:6. ON THE PEOPLE; either upon the twelve pillars representing the people; or upon the people's representatives, to wit, the elders mentioned EXODUS 24:1, as when the people are commanded to lay on... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:10

THEY SAW THE GOD OF ISRAEL; not any visible resemblance of the Divine nature, which is expressly denied, DEUTERONOMY 4:15 1 TIMOTHY 6:16, and was refused to Moses when he desired it, EXODUS 33:18,20, and therefore surely would never be granted to the elders of Israel; but some glorious appearance or... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:11

THE NOBLES; or, _separated_ or _select ones_, i.e. the persons who were singled out to go up with Moses, EXODUS 24:1,9, the same of whom it is said here, and EXODUS 24:10, _that they saw God_. HE LAID NOT HIS HAND, i.e. did not hurt or destroy them, as they might expect according to the vulgar opini... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:12

BE THERE, i.e. abide, as that verb is used 1 TIMOTHY 4:15, and elsewhere. TABLES OF STONE; he chose that material, partly as very durable, yet so that it was capable of being broken, which God, foreseeing their wickedness, intended to do; and partly for signification, to note the hardness of their h... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:13

JOSHUA did not go up with Moses to the top of the mount, as is sufficiently implied both here and above, EXODUS 24:1,2; but abode in some lower place, waiting for Moses's return, as appears from EXODUS 32:17. And there Joshua abode forty days, not fasting all the while, but having, as the rest had,... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:14

FOR US, i.e. for me and Joshua, and _here_, i.e. in the camp, where he was when he spake these words; for it was where not only Aaron and Hur, but the people might come, as it here follows, and therefore not upon the mount. Moses had made AARON AND HUR joint-commissioners, to determine hard causes w... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:16

THE GLORY OF THE LORD, i.e. the tokens of his glorious presence in the fire, EXODUS 24:17 DEUTERONOMY 4:36. THE CLOUD COVERED it from the eyes of the people. THE SEVENTH DAY; so long God made Moses wait, either to exercise his humility, devotion, and dependence upon God; or to prepare him by degrees... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:17

He saith LIKE it, for it was not DEVOURING FIRE, as appears by Moses's long abode in it. Note here, whatsoever the elders of Israel saw before, the people saw no similitude of God, as Moses observes, DEUTERONOMY 4:15.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 24:18

INTO THE MIDST OF THE CLOUD, the God that called him enabling him to enter and abide there; whereas, when he was left to himself, he could not enter into the tabernacle, EXODUS 40:35. FORTY DAYS AND FORTY NIGHTS; in which he did neither eat nor drink, EXODUS 34:28 DEUTERONOMY 9:9,18; whereby it seem... [ Continue Reading ]

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