Exodus 27:1

EXODUS CHAPTER 27 Of the brazen altar, EXODUS 27:1. Of the court of the tabernacle, EXODUS 27:9; the length of it, EXODUS 27:18. Of the lamps burning always, EXODUS 27:20. This was not that for incense, but another for sacrifices.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 27:2

THE HORNS were elevated above the body of the altar, in form either of pyramids or spires, or rather of horns, as the word signifies; nor is there any necessity; of departing from the proper signification. These were not only for ornament, but for use also, either to keep things put upon it from fal... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 27:3

BASONS, to receive the blood of the sacrifices, which they were to sprinkle. FLESH-HOOKS, wherewith they took flesh out of the pot in which it was seethed, as 1 SAMUEL 2:14. But this seems not proper here, because the flesh was never boiled upon the altar, but in other places appointed for that use.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 27:4

A GRATE OF NET-WORK, which was competently strong and thick, this being as it were the hearth of the altar, upon which they laid both the wood and the sacrifices, and it was full of holes, through which the blood and ashes might fall down into the place appointed for them. UPON THE NET, or rather _a... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 27:5

UNDER THE COMPASS, i.e. within the square and hollow space of the altar. THAT THE NET MAY BE EVEN TO THE MIDST OF THE ALTAR, or, _and the net shall be at_ (the Hebrew _ad_ being here used for _el_, as HOSEA 14:2 JOEL 2:12 AMOS 4:6,8), the midst of the altar. And these words seem added to explain the... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 27:7

THE STAVES SHALL BE PUT INTO THE RINGS, which seem to be the same both to the altar and the grate, though some allege that place for the contrary.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 27:8

i.e. Not one entire piece of.wood, but consisting of four several sides, hollow within, for easiness and conveniency of carriage in their wilderness state.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 27:9

A court encompassing the tabernacle, EXODUS 40:33, in the midst whereof the altar of sacrifices was placed, upon which the offerings were burnt in the open air, which was most convenient. By the HANGINGS the court was distinguished and enclosed.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 27:10

On THE TWENTY PILLARS the hangings were fastened by the hooks here mentioned. THEIR TWENTY SOCKETS, or, _bases_, upon which the pillars stood. THEIR FILLETS, or, _hoops_, which encompassed the pillars at the top, being placed there, as it seems, for ornament only.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 27:14

THESE FIFTEEN CUBITS, with the fifteen cubits EXODUS 27:15, and the twenty cubits EXODUS 27:16, make up the fifty cubits mentioned.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 27:20

Beaten out of the olives with a pestle, which is freer from dregs than that which is squeezed out with a press. TO BURN ALWAYS, i.e. at all the times. appointed; daily, though not continually; as the lamb offered only every morning and every evening is called a _continual burnt-offering_, EXODUS 29:... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 27:21

THE TABERNACLE OF THE CONGREGATION was so called, because there the people used to meet not only one with another, but with God also. See EXODUS 25:22 NUMBERS 17:4. Others render it, _in the tabernacle of witness_, because there God declared his mind and will, and man's duty. _Without the veil_, to... [ Continue Reading ]

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