Exodus 28:1

EXODUS CHAPTER 28 Aaron and his sons ordained for the priest's office, EXODUS 28:1. His holy garments, EXODUS 28:2. The ephod, EXODUS 28:6. Curious girdle, EXODUS 28:8. The two onyx stones on which the names of the children of Israel were engraven, EXODUS 28:9. Of the breastplate, whereon was the sa... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:2

Garments to be used only in holy ministrations, FOR GLORY AND FOR BEAUTY, i.e. such as are glorious and beautiful; partly to mind the people of the dignity and excellency of their office and employment; and principally to represent the glorious robes wherewith Christ is both clothed himself, and clo... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:3

ALL THAT ARE WISE-HEARTED, i.e. skilful artists. The Hebrews make the heart, not the brain, the seat of wisdom See JOB 9:4. WHOM I HAVE FILLED; either, 1. By my ordinary providence and assistance, giving them both ability and opportunity to learn the arts; or rather, 2. By extraordinary inspiratio... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:4

AN EPHOD was a short upper garment, made without sleeves, which was girt about the body. And it was twofold; the one made of fine linen, which was common not only to all the priests, as 1 SAMUEL 2:18, 1 SAMUEL 22:18; but to some others also upon solemn and sacred occasions, as 2 SAMUEL 6:14: the oth... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:7

THE TWO SHOULDER-PIECES were two parts of the ephod going up from the body of the ephod, the one before, the other behind, which when the priest had put over his head, were tied together, and covered the priest's shoulders, and part of his back and breast.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:8

THE GIRDLE OF THE EPHOD was for the closer fastening and girding of it. Which is upon it: this is added to distinguish it from the other girdle, EXODUS 28:4, which was to gird all the garments, and was tied in a lower place. OF THE SAME; either, 1. Of the same piece; or rather, 2. Of the same kind... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:12

UPON THE SHOULDERS OF THE EPHOD, i.e. in the place where the two shoulder-pieces were joined together. BEFORE THE LORD; into the holy of holies: an evident type of Christ's entering into heaven with the names and in the stead of his people, the true Israel, upon his shoulders, and presenting them to... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:14

AT THE ENDS, or, _with ends_; i.e. not like chains that are fastened about one's neck or arm, which seem to have no end; but two distinct chains, with two several ends, both hanging downward: compare EXODUS 28:22. The Syriac render it _double_, others _equal_, or of equal length.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:15

This was a square and curiously wrought piece put over the ephod upon one's breast, called _of judgment_, because from thence the Israelites were to expect and receive their judgment, and the mind of God in all those weighty matters of war or peace wherein they consulted God for direction.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:16

It was DOUBLED for greater strength, that it might better support and secure the precious stones which were put into it, and that it might receive the Urim and Thummim, LEVITICUS 8:8.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:17

It is needless to trouble the reader with the explication of these stones, which the Jewish doctors themselves are not agreed in, seeing this use of them is now abolished. It may suffice to know that they were precious stones severally allotted to the names of the several tribes, according to God's... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:22

Some think these are the same with those mentioned EXODUS 28:14. But it seems improbable and without example that God should in this short description, and that within a few verses, give a new and second command concerning the same thing. It may rather seem that these are other chains fastened to th... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:26

UPON THE TWO ENDS, to wit, upon the lower ends, for there were other rings put upon the upper ends, EXODUS 28:23. IN THE SIDE OF THE EPHOD INWARD, i.e. in the inner side of the ephod, under which these rings were hid; for the ephod was double, EXODUS 28:16.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:27

TWO OTHER RINGS, to answer the two rings in the breastplate, that by all these the breastplate might be the better fastened to the ephod. ON THE TWO SIDES OF THE EPHOD UNDERNEATH; in the lower part of the ephod, or in that part of it which is under the lowest part of the breastplate. TOWARD THE FORE... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:29

Partly to admonish the high priest of that dear affection he should have to his people, and with what ardency he should pray for them, and principally to represent the tender compassions of Christ, the great High Priest, towards his people, and how mindful he is of them, and of all their concerns, e... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:30

The words URIM AND THUMMIM confessedly signify _light_, or _illuminations and perfections_, which may be understood either of two differing things, the one noting the knowledge, the other the perfection, to wit, of virtues and graces, which were required in the high priest, and which were in Christ... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:31

Not the ephod itself, for that was prescribed before, EXODUS 28:6, but a long and loose robe called the ROBE OF THE EPHOD, because it was worn next under it, and was girded about the high priest's body with the curious girdle of the ephod.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:33

POMEGRANATES; the figures of pomegranates, but flat and embroidered. By the sound of the BELLS the people might be admonished of the work which the priest was employed in, and thereby be provoked to join their affections and devotions with his. These pomegranates and bells might note either, 1. The... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:35

FOR HIS DISOBEDIENCE OR CARELESSNESS. For though the matter might seem small in itself, yet it was an error in God's worship, wherein God is more severe than in other things; and it was an error of the high priest, who had more knowledge of God's mind herein, and was obliged to more care and diligen... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:36

The PLATE OF PURE GOLD was like a half coronet, reaching, as the Jews say, from ear to ear. HOLINESS TO THE LORD, to mind the priest of his special consecration to God, and of that singular holiness which was required of him, as at all times, so especially in his approaches to God. It might also rep... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:37

The words may be rendered, _thou shalt put it on_, or, _bind it_, as the Vulgate renders it, with a _blue lace_, to wit, upon the mitre, as it follows.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:38

THAT AARON MAY BEAR THE INIQUITY OF THE HOLY THINGS; either, 1. That he, being consecrated to God for this end, that he should take care as far as he could that both persons and things presented to God should be holy or agreeable to the mind of God, might bear the punishment for any miscarriage com... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:39

THE COAT was a loose and large garment made with sleeves, worn under the ephod, reaching down to the feet, which was girt with a girdle, LEVITICUS 8:7.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 28:41

CONSECRATE THEM, Heb. _fill their hand_, i.e. present them to God with part of the sacrifice in their hands, as we find, EXODUS 29:24, by that rite putting them into their office.... [ Continue Reading ]

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