Exodus 29:1

EXODUS CHAPTER 29 The manner of consecrating priests, EXODUS 29:1. Of consecrating Aaron and his sons, EXODUS 29:4. The priests vesture, EXODUS 29:8,9. How the bullock of the sin-offering was to be offered, EXODUS 29:10. One ram for a burnt-offering, and the manner of offering, EXODUS 29:15. A ram f... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:2

THE UNLEAVENED BREAD was to show that the priests should be, and that Christ really was, free from all malice and hypocrisy, both which are compared to leaven, LUKE 12:1 1 CORINTHIANS 5:8, and that all the services offered to God by the priests were to be pure and unmixed.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:4

Taken out of that laver, EXODUS 30:18. This signified the universal pollution of all men, and the absolute need they have of washing, especially when they are to draw nigh to God. And this outward washing was only typical of their spiritual washing by the blood and Spirit of Christ in order to their... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:5

Not about the loins, but about the paps, or breast, as Christ and his ministers are represented, REVELATION 1:13. The linen breeches are here omitted, because they were put on privately before they came to the door of the tabernacle, where the other things were put on.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:7

Which signified the gifts and graces of the Holy Ghost, wherewith Christ; as, and the priests ought to be, replenished. See ISAIAH 61:1 1 JOHN 2:27. But here ariseth a difficulty; for this anointing is sometimes spoken of as peculiar to the high priest, as LEVITICUS 21:10, sometimes as common to all... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:10

To signify that they offered it for themselves and for their own sins, which the offerer performing this rite was to confess, LEVITICUS 16:21, that they acknowledged themselves to deserve that death which was inflicted upon this innocent creature for their sakes, and to testify their faith in the fu... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:12

UPON THE HORNS OF THE ALTAR; not of incense, as some would have it, but of the burnt-offerings, as may appear, 1. Because it was that altar at the bottom whereof the blood was to be poured, as it is here expressed; but that was not done at the altar of incense, as is evident and confessed. Compare... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:13

The parts which in all sacrifices were burned unto God, LEVITICUS 3:3, LEVITICUS 4:19, to signify either the mortification of their inward and most beloved lusts, or the dedication of the best of all sacrifices, and of their inward and best parts, to God and his service.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:14

To wit, for the high priest, as is plain from the whole context, and therefore ought to be burnt by that law, LE 4. There was indeed a law, that that sin-offering whose blood was not carried into the tabernacle, which was the case here, should not be burnt, but eaten, LEVITICUS 6:30, LEVITICUS 10:18... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:16

Which signifies, that not only our persons, but our very altars and sacrifices, and best services, need the sprinkling of Christ's blood upon them to render them acceptable to God.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:18

A SWEET SAVOUR, Heb. _a savour of rest_, wherewith God will be well pleased, and for which, as representing Christ who offered up himself, he will graciously accept of the offerings of the priests for themselves, and for the people.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:19

This was for a peace-offering. So here were all the three sorts of sacrifices, which were afterwards to be offered by them for the people.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:20

These parts are consecrated in the name and stead of all the rest; the ear, as the instrument of hearing and receiving the mind and will of God in all their sacred administrations, and in their whole conversation; the _hand_ and _foot_, as the instruments of action and execution of that which they h... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:22

Of the priests in their office. Therefore the right shoulder was burnt, which in other sacrifices was given to the priest.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:24

Either toss them from one hand to another, as giving all from themselves to God; or shake them to and fro, towards the several parts of the world, to note God's dominion over all places and people, and the extent of that true and great sacrifice, represented in these types to all.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:26

To wit, the breast alone, whereas both shoulder and breast were given to Aaron afterwards; the reason whereof might be, either because Moses was not a proper and complete priest, as Aaron afterward was, but only appointed by God for this time to do that work; or because now there were in a manner tw... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:27

HEAVED UP: this was done by throwing the parts upward, and catching them again. EVEN OF THAT WHICH IS FOR AARON, AND OF THAT WHICH IS FOR HIS SONS: the words may be rendered thus, _of which breast and shoulder of the ram shall be Aaron's portion, and of which shall be the portion of his sons_; so th... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:28

IT IS AN HEAVE-OFFERING; under which is comprehended also the wave-offering; as plainly appears both from the context, and from the parity of reason, these offerings being of the same nature, and designed for the same purpose.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:29

HIS SONS, i. e. his eldest sons successively. To be consecrated by some other priest, there being no other higher person who could do it, and therefore the necessity of it made it warrantable.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:30

For so long the solemnity of the consecration lasted, EXODUS 29:35. IN THE HOLY PLACE; both that strictly so called, and in the most holy place; for as none could go into the most holy place except the high priest, so there were some things to be done in the holy place which none but he could do. Se... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:31

In the court-yard at the door of the tabernacle, where it was both boiled and eaten, as appears from this and the next verse, and from LEVITICUS 8:31. And part of this was eaten by the person or persons that brought the offering, though they were of the people, who were not admitted into any other h... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:33

THOSE THINGS, i.e. the remainders of the oblations mentioned EXODUS 29:32. A STRANGER, i.e. one who is not of the priestly race, whereas in other peace-offerings the offerer did eat a part.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:34

THOU SHALT BURN THE REMAINDER, according to the law of all peace-offerings, except those which were vows or voluntary offerings, LEVITICUS 7:16,17, which these were not: compare EXODUS 12:10.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:36

FOR ATONEMENT, as well for the priests as for the altar; both which, as they were or might be polluted, so they needed the sprinkling of this blood to sanctify them, to show that all persons and things were fitted for God's service, and accepted by him only for and through the blood of Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:37

IT SHALL BE AN ALTAR MOST HOLY, as appears from the following reason, because it was not only holy in itself, but by its touch communicated a legal holiness to other things. WHATSOEVER TOUCHETH THE ALTAR SHALL BE HOLY: this may be understood either, 1. Of persons, as a caution that none should touc... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:38

THIS IS THAT WHICH THOU SHALT OFFER: this is the chief end and use of this altar, though it served also for other sacrifices. DAY BY DAY CONTINUALLY; to show, partly, that men do daily contract new defilement, and daily need new pardons; and partly, that God is not only to be worshipped upon rite sa... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:39

Which two seasons were selected as most commodious, that men might both begin and end their worldly actions said businesses with God, and might see their need of God's assistance and blessing in all their concerns, and the justness of giving him the praise and glory of all.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:40

A TENTH DEAL; the tenth part of an ephah, as is evident from NUMBERS 28:5, which is an _omer_, EXODUS 16:36. AN HIN was a measure for liquid things, as the ephah was for dry things, containing six pints of our measure.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 29:42

Either, 1. At which door, for there the Lord stood and talked with Moses, EXODUS 33:9,10. Or rather, 2. In which tabernacle, to wit, in the innermost part of it, because that was the principal place where God did ordinarily reside and meet with his people, EXODUS 30:6 LEVITICUS 16:2; whereas God me... [ Continue Reading ]

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