Exodus 40:1

EXODUS CHAPTER 40 The tabernacle is commanded to be reared, EXODUS 40:1; and anointed, EXODUS 40:9, Aaron and his sons sanctified, EXODUS 40:12. Moses performeth all things accordingly, EXODUS 40:16. A cloud covereth the tabernacle, EXODUS 40:34 No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 40:6

i.e. The tabernacle which is covered with a tent. See EXODUS 35:11. Though elsewhere the words _tabernacle_ and _tent_ are promiscuously used.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 40:15

i.e. A sign or seal that their priesthood shall continue as long as their polity lasts, till the coming of Messias. He signifies that this unction should be sufficient for all succeeding priests; they should not need to be anointed again, except the successive high priests. See EXODUS 29:7,29 LE 4:3... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 40:27

This is wisely and seasonably added, because this was a work peculiar to the priest, and not to be done by Moses without God's express command... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 40:34

i.e. The glorious presence of God, which having been forfeited and lost was now returned to them, and took its habitation among them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 40:35

MOSES WAS NOT ABLE TO ENTER IN, partly because of the extraordinary thickness and brightness of the cloud, which both dazzled his eyes and struck him with horror, as 1 KINGS 8:11; and partly, because of his great reverence and dread of that eminent and glorious appearance of God; and partly, because... [ Continue Reading ]

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