Their feet; the Hebrew expresseth the parts below the belly by foot, their thighs, legs, and feet (as by hand is meant the whole arm) were of human shape. Were straight feet; not bowed to this or that part, which argues weakness: here is most elegantly described the unconquered firmness wherewith angels do the commands of God; their readiness and their wisdom also in doing it, nothing low or brutish in their actions. The sole of their feet, that which is properly the foot, was like the sole of a calf's foot: divided hoof spike the cleanness of the creature. The ox, patient of labour, a beast for sacrifice to God, in these things angels, servants of God, well resembled: what if we should add a slowness in pace; blessed angels are not over-forward to executions, yet ever go when bid. They sparkled; it may refer either to the living creatures or to their feet; it speaks either their anger against an obstinate, sinful people, or the terror of executing God's judgments, or the self-discovering light of his justice, or the zeal of angels in a speedy performing the will of God, in which their swiftness enkindles these sparks.

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