They; each of the four living creatures. Had the hands: hands in every language, especially in the Oriental, imply power; and being the chief instruments of action, are here ascribed to these active instruments that execute the commands of God. Of a man: this is added to denote the wisdom, dexterity, and vigilance wherewith they discharge their ministry. Under their wings; their power and manner of exerting it is secret and invisible, and it is put forth as God pleaseth to move them. On their four sides; on each side of the chariot one of these living creatures stood, and so on each side hands were ready to act as they were moved; and though it was to all parts of the world, yet were they most ready and prepared. And they four had their faces and their wings; it is doubled to confirm the truth and certainty of the thing, and to intimate the greatness of their power, agility, and wisdom.

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